Swastika Nation 1939, 2024

I couldn’t remember the name of a book that I discovered two years ago, but another search in my email turned up that book that I was sharing with a friend in Florda (full of Nazi demonstrations under DeSantis which have gone unchecked).

That took place under Joe Biden, but Biden had nothing to do with it. Donald Trump had a lot to do with the Nazification of American politics.

Let’s get back to that book which featured Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, and others in the Mafia. Days ago, I wrote to Bishop Seitz office in El Paso, Texas that Cardinal Pacelli (Pope Pius XII), Cardinal Spellman of New York, FDR, and Fiorello LaGuardia played a role in ending the radio broadcasts of Father Coughlin who was both an antisemite and racist. The Mafia had other forms of persuasion including throwing Nazis through windows.

And next Courtney Crowder discussed Swastika Nation with author Arne Bernstein. It’s February 20, 1939 with 20,000 Nazis in Madison Square Garden with 100,000 people outside ready “to kill” those Nazis, according to Bernstein.

A woman in Brooklyn who read the book and spoke with Bernstein that they were “frightened” of those Nazis marching in the streets. Frirz Kuhn, the head of that movement is called the leader on the show, but not the Fuehrer. I am not going to talk about all the things mentioned about Kuhn and Henry Ford, but get this. At about minute 12 Arne Bernstein says that these Nazis made a lot of noise, but they were scary. That should have been the Nazis were scary and made a lot of noise. Bernstein diminished what was happening. The question was asked why was the USA so nurturing and Bernstein pointed out The First Amendment or Freedom of Speech.  Courtney Crowder called Kuhn “a clown.” That’s how DeSantis and Trump refer to their supporters who are Neo-Nazis. This interview which lasted about 16 minutes was disappointing, even though it had rich material such as Jack Ruby being there (remember that he killed Lee Harvey Oswald and that Kuhn and others had been employed by Henry Ford who was a big fan of Hitler. Were they all just a pack of clowns?

Things were bad enough in 2014 when the book was written, but worse things were to follow about Swastika Nation. Nazi Germany had anti-abortion law, Jews were diminished greatly under Hitler, trans people lost their rights and even the right to surgery, Negroes were discriminated against, Islamophobia ( no Hitler admired Islam and they were allowed to be Aryan), Roma people, Seventh Day Adventists, college teachers, the press, unions, and much more had their fair share of persecution. Buoys and barbed wire at the border, legislation calling for arrests of migrants, killing of migrants trespassing on private property, opposition to IVF in Alabama, and various governors sending the National Guard to support Nazi-lite and so much of this started by and approved by a man who seems to love Coca Cola-lite or diet instead of regular Coke.

Actually, it started in places like Arizona, Pennsylvania, Long Island New York, and more before the Election of 2016. Hate found the right man.

And the beat goes on into support for Israel. I found a November article about Mark Levin and Fox News in which both were denounced by The White House.  Levin, a Jew, denounced Wolf Blitzer who called for a ceasefire in the war between Hamas and Israel. Levin said that Blitzer wants Israel to die, and he called Blitzer “a self-hating Jew.” Oh, one more thing that was reported is that Levin said that Blitzer’s family members weren’t victims (even though they lost their lives In The Holocaust).

Levin should be forced fed Antisemitism Here and Now by Professor Deborah Lipstadt. Fox News people too. Criticism of the policies and actions of Israel is not antisemitism. A total boycott of Israel which is designed to destroy Israel is another case. And I say those people who would cut off military aid to Israel (Republicans included) is another case that could lead to the destruction of Israel. Israel has to have the right and means to defend itself.

And Jesse Watters of Fox News has gone even further toward provocation than Levin as Watters sees the tearing down of hostage photos of Israelis resulting in violence against the perpetrators. Two wrongs do not make one right. And Watters says he’s ‘done’ with Arab Americans and Muslims. This is the same kind or trouble that Kanye West and others have gotten into over their feelings for Jews. Have you seen my last article and Fox and Foxx and the coming antisemitism on college campuses?

Levin also made Trump-like comments of Blitzer such as Blitzer is deaf (not old like Biden yet) and that Blitzer has a low IQ (not like Levin’s “stable genius” the Donald). The problem is that Levin lacks knowledge and he should learn that with everything that he stands for, he could have been an ally of Hitler in Germany as there were Jews around Hitler.

The White House properly denounced Fox News and Joe Biden corrected his statement on migrants being “illegal.” I have called the legislation of 1924 the most antisemitic legislation in US history. According to my viewpoint, anyone who cannot accept that is in denial as Holocaust denials and other denials have taken place. And I have wondered for years about the children and grandchildren of all races and ethnic groups that did not support the Jews in the 1930s, 1940s, etc. What would happen right now if 3 million Jews had to flee Europe and Israel?

I can also tell you that Fox News recent portrayal of Bidenomics is ridiculous. I did the research of 2021 and found out all the factors that have contributed to inflation (butter and steak as shown on Fox News). That information will be coming. That is your Swastika Nation. From what have read from two sources so far, Fox News must confess to spreading misinformation at the very least. Perhaps another lie has been perpetrated. Anyway, the United States is paying for it and has a right to know why.

Opinion Foxx (Fox) and Others Creating More Antisemitism on Campus

I noticed yesterday that the University of Florida student Jewish students’ organization is opposed to cutting DEI and for some time now I have seen DEI programs on the Hillel site and even at Yeshiva University. I have watched Jewish leaders on Fox (Foxx) News mention the broad fight against hate on campus and not just Jewish interests of fighting antisemitism. But with Foxx, the congresswoman, and Stefanik, and their work on the House Ed and Workforce Committee, the work has always and only been fighting against antisemitism (only).

America First to them has become Jews First or Jews have been taken in by the Republican Party and it’s a signal that Jews do not belong anywhere else. Even just now I read that the Democratic Party is the party of Hamas (Fox News presentation). And there have been a long line of Jewish students on campus who have gone to Fox News for sanctuary and they have been taken in by the staff of Fox News.

La Libre Parole or Free Speech rings in my mind and it has been 130 years in the minds of people but especially Jews. And Jews were divided at that time as well as French society. I know that Fox News does broadcast pure news, but I ask myself if that antisemitic newspaper La Libre Parole also spread pure news throughout France which heightened the antisemitism of its day. For me, Fox (Foxx) News is just another version of La Libre Parole, the newspaper of Édouard Drumont.

It’s bad enough that protection of Muslim students appears to get no news time from Fox News. And we can draw a list because I have learned that African American students in Pennsylvania also need protections. Fox News has turned a slight corner since those days of Tucker Carlson and staff promoting the worst things imaginable. Denying the victory of Joe Biden could have been taken from the millennia of history of hate against the Jews, including Holocaust denial. Purveyors of hate have been reformed somewhat but the record speaks for itself, and I still think about its warning against Roma people who were killed alongside Jews in the Holocaust with Black people and transgender people.

And Jewish people continue to go to Fox News for sanctuary. There is no sanctuary for migrants at Fox News. Jews and now others have suffered because of the immigration laws of the 1920s that kept Jews out (death became our sanctuary) and now others are kept out. Please see my article about Netanyahu and Jabotinsky to learn more.  Netanyahu had to know that the most antisemitic legislation in the United States was passed by Republicans who wanted to keep Jews out of our nation. And they did. This has to be mentioned in all Jewish studies programs everywhere as a lesson to all.

Let me cite what people can read and learn from. After World War II, the term JAP was made popular and used by Joan Rivers, David Steinberg, Woody Allen, and Mel Brooks. I remember it well. A joke that was told among Jews, Professor Lipstadt tells us became a “license to others to do likewise.” And even though this is not the case with the students who felt a powerful need to be on Fox News, my fear is that the sum total of what is going on will result in another reason to blame Jews on campus as DEI removal affects states across our nation.  She points out that the Jewish American Princess joke “belittled Jews and women.”

That was the past and what will be in the future if all Jews are not better prepared to fight antisemitism? What will happen on campuses? There will be more written later.

And this morning there was an article about a professor at u. Berkeley who moved into his office to provide sanctuary for Jews who seek help at all hours of the day and night. Sounds great, but is it? It’s a new civil rights move. But I wrote because I know that students have seek a haven against Islamophobia on campus have also made requests for help with the Department of Education. Will those students be able to seek sanctuary in the professor’s office. And is that office really his home 24/7 even though he pays no rent.

Professor Lipstadt writes about Blacks only day in her book and there were serious objections sometimes to what took place. She also writes about the support in Europe for the Palestinian cause, knowing that antisemitism affected (and affects) part of the Muslim population. Integration is not easy.

Keep in mind that Donald Trump spoke about looking at a one state and a two-state solution to the problem and did not win. He lost! A win for Trump might have prevented the Hamas Massacre that took place on October 7, 2023.

I was thinking about how a significant part of Jewish history involved giving the right to make loans and to charge interest to Jews. Non-Jews were forbidden to charge interest and this history set up lots of antisemitism in Europe. And Florida has removed support for DEI.

I found out how students at U. Penn who were supportive of the resignation of its president (Magill) for not denouncing genocide were soon concerned and upset about moves to eliminate DEI at Pennsylvania schools. Students on campus as well as the general public lack the knowledge needed to draw conclusions about many things and that is why the doxing of all students was wrong, but it went on. And Jewish students who went on to Fox (Foxx) News could be called enablers of antisemitism (unintentional) or at least “clueless” in causing antisemitism, I guess. Jews, we know, also sometimes participate in saying things that made by non-Jews, would be antisemitic. I avoid Fox News and I found out that Congressman Adam Schiff, too, detests what Fox News has done.  Combine what you have read here with my words about Jared Kushner that you will read later.

Fox News just made a big deal over the fact that Schiff took out an ad with Fox during his campaign for the Senate. An intelligent person should realize that Schiff knew that he had to reach voters that depend on Fox News. I know that Jews were negotiating with Hitler to save Jewish lives.  I know that David Ben Gurion attended a meeting or meetings with the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem appointed by the British.  I know that Yasser Arafat attended the shivah of Yitzhak Rabin (secretly). I know more than that and I feel that behind this façade of helping Jews that Foxx, Stefanik, and others will be cutting out DEI funding and those Jews that appeared with Foxx and on Fox will be blamed or in other words antisemitism will increase on campus. And the House just passed an anti-migrant bill because of the murder of a student on campus in Athens, Georgia. And there are other murders taking place that have not occurred in places that have given sanctuary to migrants. I wish my Jewish family in the 1940s could have saved their lives by becoming migrants and that are entire nation would have been a sanctuary. And that information (all of it) belongs on campus right now. A bridge is needed between all groups on campus so students, their friends and families will be better informed.

Had Foxx and Fox just decided to help Jewish students without the call to end DEI programs this article might not have been written. But I could not stand all the racism emanating from Fox News over the last decade. Keep in mind that Donald Trump is an enabler of antisemitism and that is based on well-defined research. Professor Lipstadt wrote in her book that Trump “was, and still seems to be, unwilling to castigate, much less mildly criticize, actions (I highlight that we are not talking about words that people want denounced recently) by white supremacists, racists, and antisemites who voted for him and who continue to support him.” And Jared Kushner must have learned about this by now and continues to heap praise on his father-in-law. It’s all in that family. If you get what I mean by this little display or “archery.”

And Fox News is not the only news outlet that I feel that way about.

Palestine Under the Ottoman Turks

And this information comes from the work of an Orthodox rabbi and not from a traditional historian.

Jews were a majority population in 1840 in Jerusalem.

The worst cruelty in a land filled with poverty, disease, and hardship was the dhimmi or that the Jew was an infidel. Jews were inferior and provided a “subsidiary” function to Muslims and persecution was constant. And capricious. And vicious. And voilent. In 1839 the British Consul in Jerusalem commented about “oppression against a Jew” and how he sought “justice” for Jews. This was about 80 years before the Balfour Declaration. Keep those key words in mind and learn that Jews were not really the imperialist colonizers that they have been portrayed.

Before the end of World War I, the Ottoman Turks held the power in Palestine. That power was lost with the victory over Germany and the Turks. Imagine what could have happened had Germany and the Ottoman Turks had won. That was part of my thought when I wrote about Beyoncé in one of my latest articles. If I were s boy, she sang and here we have what ifs to think about.

I think a national conference is called for as Latinos are fearful now because of the murder of a Georgian student by a migrant who happens to be Latino. That hate being generated once again by Trump and his supporters has to stop and should be Never Never theme for Jews, Latinos. and others. This is the time to join together and get people to stop donating to Trump and speak to others to remove his signs on millions of lawns. Trump has been an “enabler” of antisemitism. Tell that to Jared and Ivanka to find out if they have learned about that or not. Trump generated hate against Mexico and others.

The events of that day included Americans in power that wished to keep Jews our of America which led to the USA’s most antisemitic legislation (1924) that affects all migrants today who cross our border. US churches, college campuses, school districts like Berkeley, California, voters and the news media must share these important truths. The original sin, like slavery in the USA, must be told including the Massacre in Hebron in 1929 (Tulsa, Oklahomas’s Black Wall Street was wiped out by White people around that time) where 67 Orthodox Jews lost their lives. Starting with the Nakba is wrong. Read on and see more.

I know that all ethnic, racial, religious, and other groups are divided and much of that division is purely irrational behavior. I hope that much of it is not irrational. Do what you can to defeat M.A.G.A. again.

In the midst of that poverty and hate, Jews were accomplishing things.

1855 Sir Moses Montefiore bought land for a Jewish settlement near Jerusalem.

1854 Misgav Ladach Hospital was opened. Then the Bikur Cholim Hospital and Chabad Beit Menachem Study House in 1858.

And the call went out to Russia for people to come and that was 20 years before Herzl started a Zionist movement. But there was a Chovevei Zion movement as Jews gathered in Katowice, Poland (Austria Hungary).

And Baron Edmond de Rothshild (John D. Rockefeller wrote the check to uplift Black children in Jim Crow Florida as Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune got help) got involved in 1881, founding Jewish settlements including Ekron, Gadera, Rishon LeZion, Zichron Yaakov, Rosh Pina, Ueod Hamaala, Metulla, and Hadera. In 1882, he founded the Carmel Wine Company which is known today.

And into the 1890s, more Jewish settlements came into being. In 1888, a Yemenite village appeared called Kfar Hashiloah.

And looking at that admirable growth of Jews in Palestine and then writing about the Holocaust and thinking about the Jewish lives that could have been saved if only Jews could get there. The rabbi had nice thoughts, but Palestine was highly influenced by Nazi power and Arabs waited for the German Army to be victorious in North Africa. Half of the Arabs in Palestine were sympathetic to the Nazis. Imagine what would have happened to the Jews in Palestine even before 1948. It’s not entirely about Netanyahu, is it?

The USA’s Most Antisemitic Legislation

Congressman Albert Johnson and Senator David Reed, both Republicans, gave US a series of immigration acts designed to the referring to the recent immigrants (before 1924) as a “bulwark against a stream of alien blook” and referred to the recent wave of Jewish immigrants as “filthy, un-American, and often dangerous in their habits.” And now knowing that Benjamin Netanyahu has known for decades that Ze’ev Jabotinksy was right in calling for “3 million Jews to flee” Eastern Europe. Where were they going to go? Most would have to come to America, but that was illegal since 1924. They could have crossed the Mexican border in El Paso and other places. Americans did it to the Jews then and continue to do it to migrants today.

And I know about Jews who have said that they had to stay at the end of the line and so migrants have to do the same thing today.

But 3 million Jews were lost and lost largely because they could not come to America. Staying at the end of a line to all Jews should now sound

repugnant and repugnant perhaps for the first time. I knew about this kind of thing 20 years ago, but I didn’t know that Benjamin Netanyahu knew what I am teaching here. Why all that silence?

What is Going to Happen to Abbott and Others Over the Border

Abbott has used his free speech to reveal his hate at the border. On campuses and in streets, we notice the same things taking place to Jews and Muslims and others. I just watched MSNBC as the ADL’s Jonathon Greenblatt spoke about his visit to Brown University. I will not share with you what happened there. What will happen to states that are defying a court decision about the border. This about barbed wire and buoys with the Texas, Florida, etc. name on them.

As you know from discussions of “free speech” that have been taking place since congressional leaders asked three Ivy League presidents to denounce speech calling for genocide (of Jews). Are these same congressional leaders denouncing what has been taking place at the border? No. Why would those repugnant people who back Trump do that?

I would like to once think of all those people crossing the border or whose bodies have been retrieved in rivers or who were taken hospitals because of injuries sustained as Jewish people fleeing persecution from hell in Europe in 1940. The Jabotinsky-Netanyahu-Danenberg statement was published weeks ago for Jews around the world to know. I asked for a polling of Jews, and I got nothing. I also spoke to Ruben Garcia of the Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas who thanked me for “the history lesson” and then abruptly left the conversation. I wrote to Bishop Seitz of the Roman Catholic Church. I think of him right now as Rabbi Seitz because what he is facing right could have happened to the Jews in 1940 and Trump will probably tell you that there are “good people on both sides” and Abbott is clearly one of the good ones in that context. The entire Catholic church has to become rabbinic right now as the churches right to minister is under threat. I recommended convents way before he barbed wire and buoys appeared. Convents in the Rio Grande. And at a time that the right-wing racists in our nation were opposing Jews, Negroes, and Catholics, now Catholics need support against Texas and its laws that could have easily been created in Hitler’s Germany in 1940.

And the desperation of humanity did not only exist among Jews who were soon sent to gas chambers. Millions of Frenchmen and others had to leave their homes to work in German factories to support its war effort. Also, women were repeatedly raped in World War II, by Germans, Soviet troops, by American troops, and obviously by others in a world gone crazy.

The Texas military base not United States Army.

80 acres base camp

2,300 soldiers

700 seat dining facility

a gym

a laundry and medical services

Florida and Georgia have sent their own troops

25 Republican governors have signed a statement in support of Governor Abbott

What do you think is going to take place?

Germinal Germinal Germinal They Shouted at Zolá’s Funeral

This was about a nexus between French people who knew the 13th of Emile Zolá’s novels and considered his best. Without knowing that fact, I read the book in my teenage years in Manhattan on the Lower East Side. Those words were the testimony to the love for a great man. Germinal meant within the context of the story the hope for a better future amongst the miners. Germinal was that seed which would grow. Zolá had done incredible research for this work, going down into the mines to learn things. Miners all over the world have probably paid tribute Zolá since his book has been translated into 100 languages.

I had no plan to be a miner. What happened to me is that I learned much at home and when I entered a bookstore and saw the book, I did not hesitate to buy it.

Mon Coeur a Dreyfus

As his pants drop showing Zolá’s buttocks we can see the inscription “My Heart belongs to Dreyfus.” The artist is unknown. It also says ZOLA-MOUQUETTE Le Fondement de l”affaire Dreyfus.” That means the foundation of the Dreyfus Affair.

That was a political-social wing of France in 1898. Zolá died in 1902 caused by asphyxiation in his home (murder). Could that have been the work of socialist-communists in France? No. The right-wing which attacked Jews (Dreyfus was a Jew), strongly helped to divide France. That movement was fundamentally what we see today in the United States under Donald Trump.

I had to go back to the book I read about Emile Zolá by Alan Schom to find more. I have previously written what Anatole France spoke about Zolá at the latter’s funeral which is “he was a moment in the human conscience.” And I add to that now “A new order is resulting from it, an order of things founder on a better justice system and a deeper knowledge of the rights of everyone.”

That was 1902 and those words had only an ember left at times throughout the 20th century and that ember through stronger does seem weak again in 2024. Anatole France spoke “Standing up against the most prodigious of outrages that stupidity, ignorance and cruelty ever raised his glory has reached an unapproachable stature.”

There was much more in those words than defending Captain Alfred Dreyfus in 1898 by writing J’Accuse. And even before I searched for this information, I had in mind injustices because there are many. I have been relying on facts and history here, but I pride myself on my own creativity and I was thinking about linking Emile Zolá to a song that was popular recently. Think of Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and his order to prohibit transgender sports events in Nassau County. Think of the transgender people who died at the hands of the Nazis.

Oh the song? Le chanson est par une chanteuse Afrricaine Americaine et elle s’appelle Beyoncé. This is a message for African Americans and all others. We are divided. People of all faiths are divided. People of all ethnic groups and nationalities are divided. The mob is not just a white one. Anatole France would not remain silent even as Mme. Alexandrine Zolá asked him not to speak about Dreyfus. Anatole France objected by saying that he would not speak at all if he could not speak about Dreyfus. Mme. Zolá, before the funeral, was afraid that demonstrations would take place if Dreyfus were mentioned (right-wing ones).

Quixote and Zolá: Justice For All

Posted June 12, 2020

Don Quixote sends for Colin Kaepernick and learns from Kaepernick that a lot of the nation did not protect his freedom of speech before NFL Football Games.  Quixote tells him that he only remembers the torero or bullfights in Madrid.  Kaepernick excuses himself, turning away from Quixote.  He starts to cough a lot and that leads to a mysterious windy moment.  Suddenly a two-legged object is moving close to them.   A man appears.  It is Emile Zolá, the famous French journalist.  Don Quixote and Zolá leave together as Kaepernick remains there kneeling.

Don Quixote welcomes Zolá and the team is now in place.  They discuss Germinal, the great work about France’s coal miners who Zolá wished to have a better future.  Don Quixote points out Zolá’s anti-Catholicism and finds out that they were on the wrong side of history and the laws of nature.  But his work in helping the poor and persecuted were powerful.  The French were fou or crazy about anti-Semitism and there could develop a massacre from it.

Emile Zolá tells Don Quixote that he decided that the best time to appear was the very moment that Quixote was talking to Kaepernick.  It’s all about justice and that is the help that is needed now and I exited with Kaepernick’s words.    Quixote says it was a great injustice to expel the Judios.  Zolá says it destroyed Spain’s power and the atrocities continued.  “What have you learned?” Zolá asks.   “Watch” Quixote points.  It’s James Comey talking about the state of the president.  “Trump said I hope that you can let Mike Flynn go and I took it as a direction.”  Zolá is upset and moves about.  “And I bet that Comey became the target, the scapegoat.  In 1894 in Paris it was Dreyfus,” Zolá says.  Seeing Zolá upset, the two men sit down and Quixote prepares two glasses of sangria to drink.

Now a bit more relaxed, they learn about the detention of the immigrants at the border and the humanitarian crisis created by Trump.  Don Quixote says that a man like that deserves to be put in the dungeon, but even in my day the dungeon was inhumane.  Look he says as we see Jews being tortured during the Inquisition.  Zolá says that the Dreyfus trial was a complete set up based on no evidence that a German speaking Jew from the newly acquired Alsace Lorraine had betrayed France.  Look over there as we see Captain Alfred Dreyfus being stripped of his rank, his sword being broken, and finally Dreyfus being taken away a prisoner after he shouts his innocence.

Yes it’s all about La Justicia.  Yes Zolá confirms Le Justice. Zolá speaks about about injustice – “As for the people I accuse, I do not know them, I never saw them, I have against them neither resentment nor hatred. To me, they are only entities, spirits of social evil. And the act I am hereby accomplishing is only a revolutionary means to hasten the explosion of truth and justice.”

Sunday October 5, 1902 was the funeral. There were no demonstrations in spite of demonstrations in France during that period by The League of the French Fatherland and usually the French police looked the other way when that happened.

Shouldn’t students across the United States know about all this? My plan is to bring France and the USA together. College and university campuses are on my mind. Others rent a space, hold panel discussions that may be helpful or just seem helpful, but the messaging will leak slowly to the general public. And even as those things happen, Jews and others remain silent or have their heads in the sand. J’Accuse! And a congressman from Florida has just spoken that Israel should not receive aid until funds for the United Nations are cut. That request borders on antisemitism just as the boycott of Israel does. Both are designed to eliminate the state of Israel and that could also mean genocide.

And getting back to Nauseous County and Bruce Blakeman. Transgender surgeries were being performed in the 1920s in Europe. Americans went there because it was something new. The surgery existed in Germany before Hitler and because “woke died in Nazi Germany” that kind of surgery and abortion, too, were eliminated. And for people who hear talk about the “Marxists” providing US with this “woke” ideology” spoken about. Soviet Union politics hid antisemitism until the 1960s and learned what needed to be done by learning about the prejudice against Blacks and Jews in America.

Matt Gaetz’s Florida, the Florida of Ron DeSantis is “where woke goes to die today.” So many things that hundreds of millions of Americans support these days in the Nazification of the United States or some other ism that our nation has fought against, but readily accepts now. Stop Trumpism Now! And keep a close eye on all kinds of people stirring the pot at Fox News. And the color of the person’s skin does matter! Nor does his or her religion or nationality.

Rock Star Bukele at CPAC But What CPAC Didn’t Know

CPAC or the recent gathering of Conservatives.

 “These dark forces are already taking over your country,” Bukele spoke. WE know that those “dark forces” are Trump’s opposition, and we know that Bukele has taken power, even over what is constitutional.

What don’t the members of CPAC know? Bukele spoke up against Trump’s wall years ago and said it wouldn’t work and people would continue to come to the United States. That is another message which made international news that is just about saying just go there and see what happens. No correction by Bukele was made at that time and people kept on coming. Haven’t they?

Bukele Has Potential


I really liked President Bukele’s thoughts about Trump’s wall, and he is certain that the wall will fail.  As my readers know, I have various articles about Trump’s wall and here is just one of them. Here is one with the sub-title El Chapo and El Trumpo.  Always click on the blue links in my articles. 

Trump Feels Like Navalny: Basically

Trump has opened his mouth and that might actually displease Putin. It might! Putin recently made it known that he didn’t like the Tucker Carlson interview and that was with a man who has supported Russia and Putin now for years. Do you believe that Putin is that disloyal? Putin has also said that he prefers Biden over Trump in the 2024 Election.

This paragraph is about making Trump feel more like Navalny. The stars have aligned to Make Trump Feel Great Like Navalny and we need a Red Russia hat to place on Trump’s head. He can wear his new sneakers.

To enhance all this and to make the experience authentic, Putin can show his power and his new allegiance to Joe Biden and allow the United States to put Trump in Navalny’s jail cell in the Arctic for 15 years.

I read some of the material on Navalny and Trump since Navalny was poisoned and survived while Trump was in the White House.

Nikki Haley pointed out that Trump sided with a dictator in this matter (Putin). What I read was Trump thought what happened to Navalny was not good, but two weeks later he chose not to comment further. That was another situation where Trump did nothing.

Trump is denouncing America at this time which has been part of his own book. Make America Great, Keep America Great. And now Make America Great Again and Again and Again. And true to form, Nikki Haley thinks what Trump did in denouncing America comes from the “liberals’ playbook.” You can see from Trump’s see saw platforms that it has been there the whole time.

So the Navalny Story that Trump called “tragic” and “terrible” while he was president and two weeks later spoke “We’ll talk about that another time.” We are still waiting for those comments.

Navalny=Trump is pretty much the Republican theme now. And there is no word like Putin=Trump at all. And that’s what friends are for. Trump was no friend of Navalny.

I Contacted Them About Antisemitism-Immigration and Nothing Happened

I went back as far as 2012. And many of these contacts if not all of them were just before Donald Trump won the Electoral Vote in 2016.

Joshua Kushner (Thrive Cap)

Rahm Emmanuel City of Chicago

Mayor de Blasio NYC

Joe Lieberman

Speaker of the Knesset (Israel)

Office of the Holy See (Vatican)

Hillel Foundation

Mort Klein Zionist Organization of America

Rabbi Cooper Wiesenthal Center

Magic Johnson Charities

GED Office of New York State Education Department

ambassador to Italy, he had a “predilection for Mussolini and fascism.

and could not own radios. In Hitler’s Germany, all Jews could not possess radios.


July 08, 2012


By Profesor Martin Danenberg “El Quijote del GED”

Please see important new intervention by President Obama at the end.

A dictator did more for Jews than the elected leader of the United States. Generalissimo Francisco Franco used to his power to grant citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews, saving 17,000 Jews from death camps. From 1940-42 about 7,500 immigrants passed through. By 1943 after being in internment camps, Jews were allowed to live in Spanish cities. I have repeatedly written and told people in immigrant communities that the American Jew should do much more to help immigrants today. We should learn from the experiences of the Holocaust. When the antisemitic behavior of Americans and relatives of President Roosevelt kept help away from my people, a powerful dictator helped.

I read about the Holocaust at night. I think about my grandmother, Mollie Kurzweil (Schoenbach by marriage), who told me back in the 1950’s that her entire family was killed by Hitler. I look at a photo of a Jewish mother and her son sitting on the ground of the Przemsyl Ghetto in Poland, the city where my grandmother and her parents and family came from. The photo shows a woman trying to sell some dishes and other items to people passing by. Anyone caught buying any of those items could be arrested and maybe killed for buying from a Jew. Her son sat on the ground, no shoes on his feet and with little chance of surviving in the ghetto. Those two Jews could have been my family. Maybe I keep looking at the photo of cousins, but I do not know. My grandmother did not talk about the Holocaust much. She knew about the Dreyfus Affair and the framing of a French Jewish army captain in France before the twentieth century. All of our immigrants should be respected. The disrespect led to the deaths and there are deaths today resulting from people seeking out immigrants in our country. I have been to Przemsysl where my grandmother lived, and her family was wiped out.

I chose not to present all the evil in that article I published back in 2012 as it detailed the suffering of Jews even more. Many years later, I found this out and could not share it before and I read about it in a book about Hitler and Austria in 1938.

I changed my mind to share this part written in 2012 which was several years before Trump-Miller and the immigration policy that almost copies the Nazis.

We should never forget, but all of us should learn from the entire experience. I want to see undocumented immigrants remain with their families and I want all immigrants to be educated. The discrimination has to end, discrimination based on local control. Arizona and Alabama have to fall like Hitler’s Germany fell. All people have to be respected.

James Houghteling was the Commissioner of Immigration in 1939 and his wife was quoted about the Wagner-Rogers Bill, stating “that 20,000 ugly children would all too soon grow up into 20,000 ugly adults.” Laura Delano Houghteling was President Roosvelt’s cousin and she was talking about Jews.

February to June 1942. The Wagner-Rogers Bill is sunk by antisemites in Congress and the lack of support from President Roosevelt. Senator Robert Reynolds of North Carolina is well connected to German-American Nazi agent August Gausebeck whose partner Walter Schellenberg is the coordinator of Gestapo activities in the United States.

In 1940, Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long opposes “excessive humanitarianism” in regards to the Jews. As ambassador to Italy, he had a “predilection for Mussolini and fascism.

On April 1, 1941, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani, a pro-Nazi, rose to power in Iraq and attacks on the Jews led to 179 people being killed and 2,000 injured. Many Iraqi Jews left for Shanghai, China.

September 7, 1941 British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden notes that “if I must have a preference, let me murmur in your ear that I prefer Arabs to Jews.” Jews were a source of irritation to British officials because of the immigration into Palestine and the breakout of violence that had afflicted Palestine for over a decade.

August 13, 1942, The Swiss government begins to turn back Jews who were safe across the border, deciding that Jews were not political refugees” and only “racial” refugees. This leads to the death of about 10,000 Jews.

“On September 25, 1942, Swiss police decree that race alone does not guarantee refugee status, thus preventing Jews from crossing the border to safety.”

As far as the Muslim World, Hajj Amin al-Husseini spent most of the war in Berlin. He recruited thousands of European Muslims for service in the Waffen-SS. Husseini obtained a promise from Hitler that the Jews in the Middle East would be exterminated after Germany conquered the Middle East. What was this man thinking? He was not Aryan so he probably would have been exterminated along with his people.

The Jews in Britain and Australia were considered “enemy aliens” and interned on British soil, about 8,000 being deported to Canada and Australia in the 1930’s and 1940’s. The Jews who arrived in Australia could not travel without police permission and could not own radios. In Hitler’s Germany, all Jews could not possess radios.

I learned many years later that Hitler declared those enemies of Jews as “Aryans.” I also found this out by reading about Hitler, Austria, and 1938.  In Austria 1938, the effort to gain a visa was full of the most horrendous, time consuming tiers of things that had to be done.  There was fraud involved and often Jews who had gone through many of the procedures had to begin all over.  The level of desperation was heightened by Hitler’s procedures.  There was a certificate of fiscal harmlessness, then payments, then a visit to obtain a certificate of domicile, then a visit to the district commissioner’s department in the town hall, then a visit to the Accountancy Department of the central tax office and the district tax office, then to step two if the person had the money to pay for the emigration tax, then a visit to a place where the Jew’s assets were released and a certificate of good conduct was issued, that’s when Jew’s could be forced to start all over as they could be assigned by the Nazis to clean up things and lose their turn, then to stage three where to obtain a passport which involved being interrogated at a police station, and then on to two other offices that Jews dreaded to go to.  And finally, Jews had to swear that they were never going to return to Austria.  And Trump is for extreme vetting.  Where did he learn it from?

And I published this in 2024. Immigration USA Let’s Poll Jews

Posted January 29, 2024

I had heard it before, and it came up again in a telephone conversation that Jews had the stay at the end of the line to get into the USA. And that is the only way things should be done.

Then there is my own view, but not just mine. Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken or written that Jews should have fled before The Holocaust took place. He pointed out that Jews were passive. And he took his thoughts from Ze’ev Jabotinsky who called for that action before his death in 1940. Thiis is a different way for Jews to get things done. The United States had those tough immigration laws and people would have to cross the border and seek asylum. This the poll for Jews around the world. How will Jews vote as they are given this information by pollsters?

I will write no more here although I want to write more.

I told my readers back in January that I wanted to write more, and I did it. And a border deal collapsed because of Republicans led by Donald Trump. And I do not propose taking into our nation known criminals and terrorists.

It was bad enough when Mitt Romney called for the immigrants to “self-deport” and then Hitler-like talk and policies prevailed including calling the flight of immigrants and “invasion” and even more recently we got the Trump talk about “contamination of our blood” which I wrote about years ago in Jewish Business News in Israel detailing the Nazi reaction to Jews-Black people. Trump knew what he was doing, but his tribe wanted US to immediately think about fentanyl instead. The Nazification of America has proceeded in various ways.

States like Texas violate The Bible and this rich history you have read. Read The Story of Joseph when his brothers entered Egypt during famine. That could be a great lesson for Moms for Liberty to share with all communities in Texas and elsewhere.

Joshua Kushner is the brother of Jared Kushner. The latter’s father-in-law has been declared an “enabler’ of antisemitism. Republicans and others are keeping that information away from the public. Please share it.

A Project Became a Reality

A l’humanité, a la verité, a la justice

Two men whose paths crossed are together today in Medan, France (126 years).

A lesson for our Republic (France) and for all democracies.

Captain Alfred Dreyfus saved France from its dishonor.

Pierre Bergé is honored for the immense work that he did to bring Maison Zolá-Musée Dreyfus together.

Elie Wiesel is honored as the “Godfather” of this important commitment to fight injustice, antisemitism. and hate.

This is a global project.

Zolá wished everyone to speak to the young by this “Where are you going young people?”

A l’humanité, a la verité, a la justice

 Louis Gautier President of the Association Maison Zolá-Musée Dreyfus in Medan, France

President Emmanuel Macron was the keynote speaker at the opening of Maison Zolá-Musée Dreyfus in 2021.