British Secret Agents in Nazi Occupied France

This article illustrates decisions made by people who have fought in wars.  Edward Gallagher is the navy seal pardoned by Donald Trump and we have to be fair and accurate in this matter. The Starrs were English and brothers who faced great danger as the English helped Vichy France to be rid of the German …

Bukele y los Pandilleros de MS-13 y la Calle 18

Con más de 5.5 millones de adultos sin diplomas de bachillerato o su equivalencia, California es un líder en no proveer a sus residentes la segunda oportunidad en la vida.  Podemos ir a los sectores de Los Angeles hace décadas y ver la decadencia social que ayudó a construir las Maras Salvatruchas en Los Angeles.  …

B & B Trump

Trump’s World Class Diplomacy now includes North Korea challenging Israel’s legitimacy at the United Nations, Turkey telling Israel to get out of Cyprus’ waters, and El Salvador declaring that its deal with Trump was a quid pro quo and that is now unprepared to deal with the immigrants returning from Mexico/United States which was the …

Bodega High School Equivalency

R-E-S-P-E-C-T For Everyone Everywhere Bodega owners, the family of Sean Bell, and Profesor Martin Danenberg are proud to serve the community by announcing this very important educational initiative. The Force 2020 DDT can be visited to obtain this information for your family, friends, and neighbors. Study for the TASC-HSE should start right now.  A page …

M.A.G.A. Está Muerto Junto con Miles de Soldados Estadounidenses en Afganistán.

Por Profesor Martin Danenberg Olvídese del Juicio Político, ya que lo más probable es que no funcione con el Senado de los Estados Unidos alineado para apoyar a Trump. Pero el polvo aún no se ha asentado en todo Estados Unidos, ya que se ha publicado un informe sobre las mentiras de tres administraciones. Sí, …

M.A.G.A. Is Dead Along with Thousands of American Soldiers in Afghanistan

Forget impeachment since it most likely will not work with the United States Senate lined up to support Trump.  But the dust has not settled yet across America as a report has been issued about the lies of three administrations.  Yes Bush, Obama, and Trump have been implicated in the lies told about the War …

Trump: Finis

Churchill was voted out of office in a great shock to democracy.  The landslide brought him down.  The landslide brought him down.  Churchill, the great hero of the British, left office even before the conclusion of World War II as Clement Atlee and Labour replaced the Conservatives.  The British people had had enough of privation …