The world knows that Donald Trump called the destruction of the Ukraine by Putin a “Holocaust.” President Zelensky referred to the Holocaust in his appeal to Israel and right-wing legislators in Israel took him to task for the use of the term “Holocaust.” This kind of battle goes on in public from time to time …
Monthly Archives: March 2022
An Order Is An Order
I wrote this two months ago And in a recent article about “religious exemptions” I stated that those people with certain exceptions are simply “conscientious objectors” but there could be real “religious exemptions” given to other religions (not the Big 3). Saving lives is what our faiths are about. That article was recently sent to …
Ukrainian Lives Matter
Ukrainian Lives Matter Black Lives Matter and Jewish Lives Matter among other things. I have learned in the last day or so that Republicans went from 51 percent who felt that Russia was an enemy in 2017 to 85 percent today. Seeing is believing! The attack on the Ukraine changed minds, minds that wish to …
Stronger Messaging is Needed Now
I was reading about 3 million evacuees last night, rising prices way out of control, people who had left much earlier and made it to Canada (thinking of the Underground Railroad that we have learned about in American history). Those people had to be fed and sheltered under extremely difficult situations as people showed either …
Rytz Carlton and Trumpf Tower in Moscow and Kyiv?
“Many of the folks who are the first to run to the cameras with forceful proposals for what the president has to do today, are the last to come to classified briefings and ask insightful questions.” Senator Chris Coons (D-Del) That quote came from an article about how Republicans are trying to ”out-hawk” Democrats …
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Do The Right Thing (1989-2022)
“Accuser Smirnov demanded “sixteen heads.” Accuser Krasikov cried out “The whole Orthodox Church is a subversive organization. Properly speaking, the entire church should be put in prison.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag 1 The Petrograd Trial_ June 9-July 5, 1922 And that was 100 years ago. In that history, tens of millions of Ukrainians were …
NewsMax Stinchfield Reporting
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic…all the capital states of Central and Eastern Europe (Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia were mentioned) …but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow.” Winston Churchill, speaking to Fulton, Missouri (USA) March 5, 1946 And …
Przemysl Where Ukrainians Are Now Safe (70000)
Arrival July 2007 in Przemysl, Poland where my grandmother left in 1911 Bob Marley: Chai for Life Posted by Administrator August 4, 2019 Bob Marley sang about Zion and for him Ethiopia was important. Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Jerusalem have gotten together to sing about peace. Perhaps the portrait of Marley that got my …
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Is Putin Worse than bin Laden?
“In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO. And I think Putin was waiting for that.” John Bolton, former National Security Advisor Much of the world will be thinking more of bin Laden shortly. That quote is breaking news right now. That is unless Putin puts a stop …
Trump’s Wall and Trump’s Weak Ukraine Policies
“Well, I’d rather see them send soldiers to our southern border. I’d rather see them… In three weeks, you could finish it. They won’t even let Texas use our military which is all bought, sitting there waiting to be put up. It could have been erected in less than three weeks it could two and …
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