Hungary and Its Problem with Jewish Truths

1941 a police raid took place where 18,000 Jewish “aliens” were targeted before they were most were soon killed in Kamenets Podolsk in the summer of 1941. An April 1943 fire that killed hundreds of labor servicemen was caused by the Jews themselves. These were things being done to rewrite history by Hungarians that were …

Dozens of Looters Arrested in Philadelphia Adults and Juveniles

“As they have dared, so shall I dare. Dare to tell the truth, as I have pledged to tell it, in full, since the normal channels of justice have failed to do so. My duty is to speak out, not to become an accomplice in this travesty. My nights would otherwise be haunted….” “Puisqu’ils ont …

The Communist Era in Hungary Neo-anti-Semitic Nationalists.

There were the Holocaust deniers and OTHERS. Those others were not the sub humans that I have mentioned recently in my article. So who were they? They were “respectable public figures” – members and heads of government, parliamentarians, and high-ranking officers.” And Professor Brahan writes about the rhetoric and tactics. But add to that strict …