Texas Law Enforcement and Locking Up Jews Crossing the Borderand New Law About Going After the Asylum Seekers

Hebron-like Violence Throughout Israel Posted May 15, 2021 When Ted Cruz spoke out about a relationship with Israeli scientists in the fight against COVID-19, just over a year ago I wrote do not collaborate with Israeli labs, but it would be okay to set something up in Indiana. The goal was to prevent US from …

A Palestinian Supporter Asks Alec Baldwin a Question

“You work for Hollywood, do you condemn Israel?” I am going to rearrange things to make a point “You work for Harvard (M.I.T., U. Penn), do you denounce genocide?” Alec Baldwin did not answer yes or no. Does the world care? The answer that Baldwin gave was this “You’ve already made up your mind … …

Malcolm X

The Palestine Problem in the SNCC Newsletter (June-July 1967 published in Atlanta) contained this. “recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine only a few years before to escape persecution in Europe and had been welcomed by the native Palestinian Arab people with open arms, living in peace side-by-side with the Arabs?” There was a cartoon …

The Scourge of Antisemitism in the World Foreign Affairs Committee Republican

This committee hearing did not kill two birds with one stone, as you will soon see. The Wiesenthal Center sent me the video of this presentation by experts on antisemitism and I watched it. There were four speakers from the Jewish community who presented information and at one point the name of Professor Deborah Lipstadt …