ADL Reports and More

Trump is on my mind and his policies. Campuses know about those policies. Could there be a link with the large numbers of people supporting the Palestinian cause? The wall, the Muslim ban, the border policy keeping people out, his comments about Latinos and Black people (other countries), George Floyd and how it was handled, no plan to build back better during COVID-19 and those deaths, no mask mandate, misinformation, lying, and more. Size does matter!

The new ADL Report is out. Take a look at one of its statements as news media put out important headlines. Those headlines may easily misdirect what is going on and I have read some of the information in the long report and done a small outreach.

“Our analysis combines objective data with certain subjective impressions and analysis as well as our beliefs about how to weigh different factors. Reasonable people may disagree with these decisions.”

You deserve to know more about the report, but for now let’s move on.

In the news is Michigan University and a disruption that took place there. Its president spoke out. Read and learn from this.

 Students violating the policy could face reprimand, disciplinary probation, restitution, removal from a specific course, suspension or expulsion.

Staff members violating the policy could face misconduct allegations, and the school “may institute discipline, up to and including termination.”

Think about your own reason for the moment (and your passions).

Let’s go back to January 2, 2024. And yes I remember it well (having a Parisian moment). A man that I know told me that his friends, shockingly, support the Palestinian cause.  And I called up the first media content of my search for that famous congressional hearing that rocked the world, but which never mentioned hate against Muslims and others. I found NewsMax and decided to share this.

Ivy League presidents testified to Congress about antisemitism on campus

Committee chair: Leaders failed to uphold morality

Investigation will look into policies, disciplinary procedures

All that goes back to December 5, 2023. This was only two days shy of Pearl Harbor Day. This was nothing more than an attack by Republicans for Jews against the rest of the world. And as I have written before, “freedom of speech” on campus must be maintained. Even the call for genocide against Jews on campus could have resulted in just a “reprimand” without ever getting close to “expulsion” or “termination.”

And on January 2, 2024, I shared things that I had learned from Antisemitism: Here and Now by Professor Deborah Lipstadt. Yes, the disciplining of students would depend on the context. Republicans and others may immediately say what I said was “Marxist” “liberal” or whatever, but I know how these things have been applied in similar situations from learning about the experiences of others. Joe McCarthy could not have done a better job (1950s history and Republican again).

And I wish I would have made a profile of those “friends” who now support the Palestinian cause. How many were there? Were any of them Jews? What are the ethnic and racial backgrounds of those people. I don’t have that kind of relationship with anyone since my contacts are very limited. But this country is vast and there is a consensus out there that Jews have been abandoned over the Massacre and the War in Gaza. A profile has to be made and I thought about project on campus and elsewhere.

And there has to be more to explore. HATE was the main ingredient of four years of the Trump Administration. Trump says that Jews hate Israel, and his believers absorb that (Hate America, too). Why not interview that man in Michigan who spoke those words days ago? What is the country where his family came from? Does he know the entire history of Palestine, even before the famous Balfour Declaration? Has he ever watched videos on the internet that show more than just the Nakba beginning in 1948? Videos that may show a violent, Arab history against Jews? And this applies to all supporters of Palestine and supporters of Israel as well.

Is Trump’s work on campus affecting the left? We know about his being an “enabler” of antisemitism for affecting the right. And please notice how the right is relatively quiet because of men and women going to jail for January 6, 2021 and due to the fact that the left’s antisemitism is spreading hate against Israel and the Jews right now and there is little need to do anything.

I found and saved an article in The Forward about the campuses with the most and least antisemitic acts (2,000 Jewish students on 51 campuses surveyed). This also goes back to December 2023. I wonder what those same students on the same campuses would say right now. True, they could easily have seen more examples of antisemitism, but they may have also witnessed college administrations doing much more to protect Jewish and all other students. The problem is big, and it will take a village to help. And those Republicans in Congress have sat back and watched. I hope you get that point and share it.

Allow me to move you away from the ADL report right now and share something that has been on my mind for a week or more. This is about ZOA.

This is from The Daily Caller in September 2023. The authors are Jacobs and Goldwasser and there is a history for you to know.

It did mention these multiple groups — white racists, black racists who are mostly followers of Louis Farrakhan, radical Islamists, and leftist anti-Zionists —

And it attacked the ADL for ignoring Jew-hatred from its political allies among the “marginalized groups.”

examples include Al Sharpton and the BLM movement

the Democratic Party’s Squad

extremist imams in mosques across our nation

Here is a list of people aligned with Jacobs and Goldwasser.

Jonathan S. Tobin

Richard A. Landes

Joshua Block

Rebecca Sugar

Caroline B. Glick

Naya Lekht

Richard Kronenfeld

Bruce D. Abramson

Thane Rosenbaum

Morton A. Klein

Alan M. Dershowitz

Rabbi Cary Kozberg

M. Zuhdi Jasser

William A. Jacobson

Johanna E. Markind

Rebecca G. Schgallis

Karen D. Hurvitz

Joanne Bregman

Lauri B. Regan

Dr. Amy Rosenthal

Josh Ravitch

Henry Srebrnik

Ben Poser

Note that Morton A. Klein is the head of Zionist Organization of America. The Surprising Zionist tells about how Senator Robert Taft worked with President Harry Truman in 1951 to support Israel. Taft came from one of the most powerful families in the United States (William Howard Taft) and held important positions until he was elected in 1938 to the United States Senate. His nickname was “Mr. Republican.” I found out that Klein revealed that he was scared of Donald Trump after Trump had dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes in November 2022. Was he asleep? My own work preceded his findings six years before that. Yes, he found out that Trump mainstreams Jew hatred. But where is he taking that new, important information in.

Again, I write what I wrote on February 29, 2024 to set the record straight in spite of efforts to portray Republicans and Senator Robert Taft as great heroes. I quote myself here “Congressman Albert Johnson and Senator David Reed, both Republicans, gave US a series of immigration acts designed to the referring to the recent immigrants (before 1924) as a “bulwark against a stream of alien blook” and referred to the recent wave of Jewish immigrants as “filthy, un-American, and often dangerous in their habits.” And now knowing that Benjamin Netanyahu has known for decades that Ze’ev Jabotinksy was right in calling for “3 million Jews to flee” Eastern Europe. Where were they going to go? Most would have to come to America, but that was illegal since 1924. They could have crossed the Mexican border in El Paso and other places. Americans did it to the Jews then and continue to do it to migrants today.

Ohio where Taft came from and its vote in the US Senate two yeahs both Republican.

Ohio where Taft came from and its vote in the House of Representatives

Two nays from Democrats, three yeas from Democrats, 16 yeas from Republicans (all of them) in Ohio

Fiorello LaGuardia voted nay in New York (4 nays, 1 present, 16 yeas and Nathan Perlman was one of those nays).

And I know about Jews who have said that they had to stay at the end of the line and so migrants have to do the same thing today.

But 3 million Jews were lost and lost largely because they could not come to America. Staying at the end of a line to all Jews should now sound repugnant and repugnant perhaps for the first time. I knew about this kind of thing 20 years ago, but I didn’t know that Benjamin Netanyahu knew what I am teaching here. Why all that silence?

I turned to my bookshelf and found One Mighty and Irresistible Tide: The Epic Struggle Over American Immigration, 1924-1965 by Jia Lynn Yang. I did not find what I had already written that caused me to state that the Immigration Act of 1924 was the most antisemitic act in USA history. 

I found this.

March 2, 1924 Brooklyn, New York.

Brooklyn Jewish Center where more than a thousand people were crammed, and two thousand people were turned away because of lack of space.

Brownsville, just to east, was called “Jerusalem of America.” People were moving in big numbers and away from the Lower East Side.

The Jewish immigration was expected to drop from 80,000 to 4,000 a man warned who was a keynote speaker that day.

This 5-foot 2 man whose parents hailed from Italy and whose mother was Jewish, told how this new law would discriminate against Italians and Jews. He was Fiorello LaGuardia.

Calvin Coolidge signed the bill into law and had declared “America must be kept American.”

Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame on anyone who doesn’t wish to understand.

The United States has this to talk about and Jim Crow since hate was in the driver’s seat in our nation.

And there was more. “There is one state in which one can observe at least weak beginnings of a certain conception…The American Union categorically refuses the immigration of physically unhealthy elements and simply excludes the immigration of certain races.”

That was written in Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and if you sit back and think about the Trump years, you can see the resemblance.

I found even more to share that may amaze you. Herbert Hoover and the Jews (the Jewish vote). The father of Benjamin Netanyahu had meetings with Herbert Hoover, Robert Taft, Claire Boothe Luce, and Alf Landon to bring about a bipartisan effort to install the Jewish state in Palestine. Republicans were learning a lot from Netanyahu in 1943-1944 and Claire Boothe Luce gave the Republicans this quote back then after not seeming to caring at all “Jewish blood stains the blue Mediterranean red.” England and its mandate was the target. Have you read already what this Republican Party did to the Jews through keeping them out? And at that convention, Jews were supposed to go to Palestine and not to the United States. Keep in mind that Jabotinsky died in 1940 and Jewish lives could have been saved by allowing all of them in. Hitler was still alive. Alf Landon played a role in that too, and the Democrats were the equal of the Republicans in their declarations.  And here is part of a long statement made by Herbert Hoover about the plight of the Jews. “We must accept the fact that the older and more fully settled countries have no longer any land and opportunity to absorb the migration of the migration of the oppressed.  Most Jews recognize that it is not in their interest to force such an issue.  Palestine could take more of them.  But after all Palestine would absorb only a part of the three or four millions whom this Conference has been discussing as needing relief.  That could be accomplished only by moving the Arab population to some other quarter.  These are problems impossible to settle during the war.”

Did you see the part about no more land for more people? Jews were still to be kept out!

This was a moment of that famous prayer “May God Bless and Keep (the Jews) Far Away from US.”

And before signing off here, I noticed Jonathon Greenblatt on The Squawk Box saying that the report is “objective.” And when questioned, he backed the report as he mentioned that presidents of universities were calling him to tell him that the report was “unfair.” Do you think that report could be “unfair” right now based on what you have learned? He says the grade speaks for itself after mentioning how he spoke to students at the Harvard Law School. Basically, what he was saying is that the schools are not protecting Jewish students. To me it sounds like Fox (Foxx) News again!

I looked in my emails and I noticed I got involved on December 7, 2023. I will say no more right now, but for years I have told people that when you talk about education, educators, etc. that you have to be “fair and accurate” in the things mentioned. Being accurate or factual, for example, is not enough. My words come from a contractual agreement that I have expressed for decades. Does the report satisfy that definition?

I have shared information about Jewish leadership that our nation has to know about. From 1924 to today, the whole truth has to be told. Do you agree with me after reading this work?