Melania Trump Wants to Know Shooting News

She wants to know why the shooter was not arrested (before the shooting). He was not arrested even after the shooting because he was killed at the location.

I read that a police officer went back (I guess to his car) to get his gun. And I didn’t read about any radio communication of that police officer with anyone which could have taken place (I guess).

The important thing right now is for the press to press Melania for more information such as at what time on that day did she feel that the shooter, Matthew Crooks, should have been arrested. I will write no more and my readers must know that I have something up my sleeve to share (see my previous work if you have time).

“I can’t help but wonder, why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?” is what she asked. Think about that!

From Trump university to NYU

This is huge news about Barron Trump who has already been radicalized by Trump u and who will now attend the business school of New York University.

It made me think of Sean Hannity who helped light the fire against “free speech” on campus when Donald Trump talks about things including locker her up, assassinate people, put people in jail that don’t agree with him, the election was stolen, etc.

There are two other things on my mind which are arrests for wearing masks and the September 19, 2024 scheduled talk of two men whose politics aligned well with Donald Trump and the N.A.A.C.P. has called for the event at the University of South Carolina to be cancelled.

I intervened in the university days ago and connected with someone who is concerned in Columbia, S.C. I shared important information about the work of Professor Deborah Lipstadt whose name rang out in the halls of the Congress as Jews testified about antisemitism. Professor Lipstadt also writes about Milo Yiannopoulos in her book and the hate he spreads as he speaks on campus, which he did in 2017 under Donald Trump. Now Barron Trump has already connected with a right-wing podcaster who was involved in the recent Sauce Gardner antisemitism (it was his podcast and he did nothing that I know of to correct it). Sauce Gardner apologized and did not go through what Kanye West went through.

This is from NBC News

Barron Trump is helping his dad connect with toxic right-wing streamers

And what about all the radicalization of students that happened before attending U.Penn, Harvard, and M.I.T. The problems existed under Trump and his henchmen (women) decided to take action under Biden-Harris.

I would like to see Ivanka Trump and family and their extended Kushner family teach their children that Professor Lipstadt has written that Trump is an “enabler” of antisemitism.

Adin Ross can start reading this on his podcast as well. Look at what the New York Post wrote about Sauce and Adin.

The incident happened while Gardner was appearing with popular streamer Adin Ross — who is Jewish — and as part of a conversation about Ross’ ability to get a Tesla Cybertruck from another Jewish man, Gardner said “ya’ll run the world.”

Enough about that now and let’s turn to South Carolina. I do contact the N.A.A.C.P. even though my best friend there died (Adam Lee).  Yes, those men shouldn’t be speaking at the school, at least not just those men. I share something which I decided to write about here. If I ruled the world and the event takes place I would like someone important to show up at the event. This idea comes from my youth. Elizabeth Taylor was in the flashback.

This takes place with kings, princes, Normans, Saxons, and Jews. The beautiful Elizabeth Taylor is a Jewess, of course, and how she woke up this Jew at the time.

King Richard (Biden)is prevented from taking control of the throne of England and his brother Prince John (the Donald) takes power. Ivanhoe rescues the real king in Austria where the latter was being held in prison (lock him up). I can remember Ivanhoe singing and Richard also sings out, assuring Ivanhoe that the king was being held there.  Quickly we see that truth can triumph and that what happened could be overturned.

King Richard and his knights arrive to reclaim his throne. Prince John grudgingly kneels before his brother. Richard then calls on his kneeling people to rise, not as Normans or Saxons, but as Englishmen. I got that from Wikipedia, but you have to see just how all that happened. Ivanhoe is the Black knight fighting for justice, perhaps something that Muhammad Ali overlooked when he spoke about everything that was “white” was good in America. The trailer does not show what I loved the most, the dramatic way that Richard is smuggled into the meeting to confront John.  Could you see Kamala confronting Milo and the founder of the Proud Boys in that meeting hall in S.C. What a badly needed surprise that would be!

And now we can turn to reporters who have written about two men on Long Island who were arrested wearing masks which is against the law there. Of course they were really arrested for another crime, attempt to break and enter property. What was missing from the articles was this. Did those two men know that it was a crime to wear the mask? If they didn’t know, the mask law is not working. People get locked up all the time for crimes such as breaking and entering. What happened on January 6, 2021? Breaking and entering and attempting to install Trump as King Donald.

The silence among the Trump family as well as that across our nation must stop. I share history a lot and people love it. The silence of the Trumps (they are not lambs) must stop and all I can remember about Ivanka in the news is that she spoke to her father about things she disagreed with. I would like to learn more about what she had said to him because nothing seemed to work. And now we will watch Barron Trump as he makes news on and off campus at N.Y.U.

And in the novel Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, the Jews were thinking about moving back to Granada, Spain from England because the antisemitism was horrific.

And the New York Post seemed to imply that what Sauce Gardner did was wrong on the Adin Ross show. Will it condemn Barron Trump now for promoting Trump on the podcast that he loves so much?

Trump had a university you know which really wasn’t a university. He got into legal trouble over what he was selling. I wrote university to diminish him because I feel the need to do it. Can a baron become a king in a few years?

On Hitler-Holocaust Discussion JD Vance Stands by Tucker Carlson

In court we swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The interview was not such a place. There was Tucker Carlson with a Holocaust denier (historian-irrational) and JD Vance is supportive, I was just reading historian Timothy Snyder again.

Trump sat back as Ukraine was attacked by Putin. Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler and Hitler had lots of great admirers in Europe and on the other side of the Atlantic (In New York and lots of places out west and in between). America was innocent and the Jews were to blame.  Let’s go back now to Trump’s friend V. Putin and find out more. Tucker Carlson recently went to the former communist nation of Russia and loved everything. He fits in well. Russia jumped from communism quickly into fascism. That means it skipped over democracy.

I will not turn to writing about Gumilev, and what historian Timothy Snyder had to say about him.  Gumilev promoted antisemitism in three critical ways:

The Jew is the “soulless trader”

The Jew is the “drinker of Christian blood”

The Jew is the “agent of an alien civilization”

In other words, Jews were “an eternal threat.”

After Gumiliev’s death in 1992, his ideas were used by the economist Sergei Glazyev who advised by Yeltsin and Putin.  And Gumilev was friendly with Yuri Borodai.

And here is what Putin did with all that,

He cited Gumilev.

He appointed Sergei Glazyev as his economic adviser.

And what did Alexander Borodai do? He played a part in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

That’s all that happened. Nothing if you believe the Russians and Trump who sat back and did nothing as his talking point was the Southern border.

Do you think that this information should be shared with high school and college students (and teachers)? Would it be propaganda if Trump said it was? Do you think that the New York Post would immediately publish this to inform Jews and everyone else. I sent my last article to the New York Post. And I expect the opinion staff to not tell anyone.

There is much more to be told about this Russian history, and I can tell you that what you have read here is only the tip of the iceberg.

I turned to the internet and noticed that  Anthony L. Fisher of MSNBC has a nice article on the “Big Lie.” And it had wonderful information about Darryl Cooper who was praised by Tucker Carlton for being an honest historian. And with the help of Donald Trump, Cooper’s blog went from 7,000 readers to 70,000 instantly. That is even much bigger than the role the Fonz played on television in getting children to go to the public library to get a library card to take out books to read.

So please go the article where the video of MSNBC tells us the role that Russia is playing in the Election of 2024. Just do it!

By the way, I noticed that Billy Joel is mentioned in Timothy Snyder’s book The Road to Unfreedom. I’m in New York and in a New York State of Mind and yesterday I spoke with a man in Virginia who grew up from the Bronx. This was a very important conversation, and that man knew he was talking to a person from New York. He asked me Mets or Yankees and I replied Ebbets Field.

At the age of eleven I pitched in Ebbets Field Brooklyn, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers and my last GED program where I worked from 1999-2000 was Ebbets Field where I threw fastballs to help the students and strike out terrible administration. I had previously and anonymously given article to El Diario La Prensa and The New York Daily News. Reporter Jessica Kowal would not write an article in New York Newsday unless she could use my name and photo, and I immediately agreed. The administration read the article in the Sunday edition, closed the program on Monday, came to talk to all the students, and even threaten me. And there was a conspiracy going on against me that had started in a previous program (thinking of The Dreyfus Affair). I Accused that administration, and my work has been read around the world since.

And the ball is being tossed around the infield from JD Vance on third to Carlson to Cooper to Trump on first base. The name of the game is “The Big Lie.” And V. Putin is smiling.

Only Trump Can Keep Israel from Being Finished

This is the news from Donald he tries to diminish what the Biden Administration and Kamala Harris have done for Israel.

It is true that the government of Israel and President Biden have not seen eye to eye on strategy and that is a good thing.

It also would have been best for the Palestinians if they had surrendered since no ceasefire has taken place.  I wrote that in May, and I realized that the Palestinians could have surrendered soon after the bombings took place that led to 40,000 civilian deaths. The peace process could have started earlier than May.

But Senator Lindsay Graham in May put this out. Israel should do whatever it takes to destroy Gaza including a  nuclear attack.

Imagine this repugnant man declaring for that while Hamas held Israeli and American hostages. Can you imagine that?

Lindsay Graham is one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisors and did you even hear Trump open his mouth about that?

And just as I finished writing those last words, the New York Post published that the parents of those same hostages are shocked by the antisemitism in New York. Do you think that the New York Post would ever publish what I’ve written here?

Destroying Our Universities and Western Values

I have read this several times during the “War on Campus” as there have been calls for resignations and changes, particularly as they affect Jews. I noticed it when Blacks for Israel spoke up and on other occasions. Muslims are to blame or Arabs and especially those on campus. The word put out there goes pretty much that way.  Just ask the Republican leadership in Congress.  Do a poll?


I could have added that in the first paragraph, but why not emphasize it. We have a Muslim problem, I was told on January 2, 2024, at a party. And that was just under a month after the first Congressional hearing of 3 Ivy League schools (M.I.T., U. Penn, and Harvard). It’s been 9 months, and this are not calming down across the United States. It’s the war, we know, and there is more. There is another war that is not being mentioned and I read about it over the last several days. And this war ties what is taking place to Trump, his closest political supporters, and more. What could be more?


Has there been a word about Russia in connection with our “war on campus?”

Russia is fighting a war against Ukraine.

Iran is a provider of weapons for Russia as Iran sparks hate against the United States and Israel. Campus life has been affected by Iran which we read in the news.

Iran is not an example of liberals attempting to destroy American universities and Western culture.  If Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others had not taken the Russian side before, during the start, and after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, I would not have written this. Billions and billions of dollars have been spent on the war (by Europe too). There has been a great reason since it started. Lots of people are in denial and that is irrational behavior.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Russia. And now let me show you.

In my latest reading, which is another book by Professor Timothy Snyder, I found a quote to share. “Insofar as I restrain the Jew, I am doing the work of the Lord.” Guess who?

What has been taking place can be stated in different ones. Here is one of them.  “The notion that Europe and America were eternal foes because they envied pristine Russian culture was pure fiction that general real policy: the attempt to destroy the attainments abroad that Russia’s leaders could not manage at home.” This culture attracted Trump and Tucker Carlson who has been received with open arms in Russia. And he loved it.

Has the press even mentioned the Russian connection to the Muslim world (Palestinian)? Has it been left out entirely?

It would be amazing right now to hear Republicans in Congress and elsewhere to finally mention this so that our nation and the world will wake up.

And that Jewish comment was made by A.H. himself who died in a bunker at the end of World War II. Professor Snyder points out that the Russians went from talking about how they saved Russia from fascism to embracing fascism after the fall of the Soviet Union. And he explains just how Trump’s friend, Vladmir Putin, accomplished this.

And right now, the N.A.A.C.P. objects strongly to the University of South Carolina allowing students to roast Kamala Harris. Trump’s men are at work there (Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys, and Milo Yiannopoulos). We will see if Trump’s definition of “free speech” will be at work there.

One approach to that may be this. Let the roast take place and have massive rallies against hateful speech and I mean massive.

Trump has not intervened in the “war on campus” at all. Again, he saw something and did not act as the principal of a party intent on cooperating with Russia. He has claimed that he could have ended this and that, but it’s September and the protests are back. And if something violent happens at the University of South Carolina right now, is it well prepared and is the security there enough to protect Black students and all others on campus?

Iran-Russia-Trump-Fascism-U. South Carolina. That is a long trail. And U. South Carolina is not an Ivy League school (thinking about Congressional leaders that have only been concerned about antisemitism).

The Woke and Unwoke Quotes by the Famous and Others

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

–Emma Lazarus

And   Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe. . . . Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar. . . . As long as this gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. . . .

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate.

    Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!

    Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

—Ronald Reagan, address at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Just a few days ago, I provided the office of Ward leader Raymond Lopez of Chicago information and a different view of the migrant situation. I mentioned strongly that he wouldn’t get away with it if 100,000 Jews had crossed the Southern border today. Lopez is a strong critic of helping the migrants in Chicago and there are Lopezes everywhere meaning Jews, Black people, and others resent having migrants in their communities. Let’s go to Brooklyn, New York, my place of birth in 1945.

“I think as an immigrant, I get it,” Edelstein added. “I am not against immigration, and I think many of these people who are here legally, they will make a life for themselves; they will be positive, good contributors to this country. However, there is a difference between immigration and invasion.”

— Irina Edelstein

I give credit here to The Jewish Insider news for that quote along with the hope that The Jewish Insider will agree with me that a flag should have been raised in America to help the Jews at their greatest hour of need. I wrote about that in Jewish Business News in support of the raising of a Black Lives Matter flag outside a school in Vermont.

Irina Edelstein is one of those “I waited at the end of the line” immigrants that constantly speak up on Fox News and other right-wing media. And she points out that Democrats and others come forward at meetings to express opposition to the shelter which is true. But she never seems to think about those Jews of the 1930s-1940s.

After reading about Benjamin Netanyahu his father and Ze’ev Jabotinsky, I spoke up and made it known to people that I wish that Jews had not waited at the end of a line in relation to American immigration which kept Jews out in the 1930s and 1940s. I wish that they had fled (3 million of them) to the United States and crossed the border (which had no wall and very limited security). I wish asylum for everyone who deserves it.

–Martin Danenberg

Americans should study this important subject much more. Growing up in the Soviet Union, Irina knew she was Jewish, but she did not know what it meant. There are lots of immigrants like her from lots of nations that lived under communism. They talk about America turning toward communism, but they fail the test of knowing about fascism and the hope of Jews and others that was extinguished by immigration policies. France for example is a place that Jews could flee to before Hitler conquered it. Remember the St. Louis, those immigration laws that were antisemitic, and the loss of all lives.

And for Irina Edelstein, staying at the end of the line is an integral part of being a patriot. And that my reader led to the death of 3 million Jews in Europe. Also based on what I have written, I feel strongly that there are lots of “potential antisemites” among us since what is happening to the migrants is a continuation of the Jewish story (without the death camps). The hostility is there under the name of patriotism. And Jews have fallen into that trap as well. I hope that starting today, we can fix up this problem and grant asylum to those deserving it.

Is the United States a Banana Republic?

We have been told that the United States is turning into a nation like Venezuela with huge problems, including the Biden’s Administration’s handling of the border. But the Trump border policy was just an extension of what was the most antisemitic legislation passed in the United States. The immigration law passed in 1924 had attached to it statements that I learned about that were antisemitic and that legislation kept 3 million Jews from coming here. My source of information is not only what we learned in school which was that around 1920 immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe were kept out, but also even Benjamin Netanyahu knew from his father’s work before 1940 that an appeal was made for 3 million Jews to flee for their lives, and they were prevented from coming to the United States.

And now that legislation and its cousins is keeping out immigrants including those seeking asylum. And now we can turn to Venezuela.

It has been reported that there is no evidence that Maduro has won the election in Venezuela and that is making huge news.

It also so happens that there is no evidence that Trump won the Election of 2020.

It made me think of a song about bananas as I thought about writing. It was a great entertainer named Jimmy Durante who I must have watched 100 times on television, and he was known for singing

Yes, we have no bananas

We have no bananas today

I could tell Jimmy right now this

Yes, we have bananas

And that we have Banana Republicans


What about RLM? R=Republicans. I kind of wish that the Republican Party could be abolished. Yes, the party of Lincoln. The party that helped free the slaves.

Why? January 6, 2021. Of course, not all Republicans were there and participated so why hold it against the “party.” The tremendous support for Trump and MAGA is the reason. I know that the Republican attempt to abolish the communist party did not work. That party was given the green light by the Supreme Court and has the right to exist. So, the Republican Party has the right to exist, and it controls the House of Representatives.

Now we have a new challenge which is Donald Trump is about to give awards to the perpetrators of the crime on January 6, 2023. From felon to felon, the impact of MAGA and January 6, 2023 is growing before our eyes. Trump is an existential threat to Democrats, the majority party in our nation. What does this make me think of?

Have I not written about how Nazis and Communists codified hatred of Jews as World War II raged and as the United States basically slept until December 7, 1941. JLM does stand for Jewish Lives Matter and October 7, 2023 was on my mind before I started writing this. October 7, 2023 and the Massacre by Hamas has diminished PLM or Palestinian Lives Matter, and we noticed the articles about just how the DNC would not permit a pro-Palestinian speaker. And right next to that I say that Trump’s behavior before, during, and after the insurrection on The Capitol has diminished the Republican Party, but a winning electoral vote could still take place. All this information should make people think more about the more than three years of cooperating with the devil, which is my view.

There might have been a speaker at the DNC in support of the Palestinian cause if the “Massacre” had not happened. I favor support for Gaza, but since early May 2024, I have called for its surrender and the surrender of Hamas. I also gave a warning to the Jewish world in Jewish Business News in 2019. Jews, at that time, were focused on the antisemitic trope of “the Benjamins” made by Congresswoman Omar and I was much more concerned about things like another massacre of Jews.

“I called the office of Congresswoman Omar and her staff searched for my article on the Holocaust Chronicles and found it to show to her.  That article details that people of color, but particularly African-Americans and other Black people probably would have been next in line to be exterminated.  Even one of my readers was quick to point that out to me.  Black History Month just ended, and Jews share too much in common for people to divide the importance of the commonality of our history.  This should be shared of course with Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and with students on campus across America.”

And later in that March 2019, I wrote “Ever since I watched the movie Exodus, I knew that Palestinians were divided during the war and I later learned about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who wanted to destroy all Jews.  I also noticed severe prejudice against the Palestinian people long before most Jews had a clue about what was going on.  From my own viewpoint, nobody should talk about the Nakba and the attack on Deir Yassin without mentioning the massacre of Hebron in 1929.  Nobody!  Events need equal time.”

Who in the Jewish community had a massacre on his or her mind. Who in Congress? Take note that 2019 was under Trump and not under Biden. I did my best, but I had little or no power to persuade others. And you can tell that I knew that much more than Holocaust history was badly needed.

Kill a cop and injure hundreds more and reward people for their actions. That is MAGA. Kill or scare Pelosi, Schumer and even Mike Pence and get rewarded. MAGA smells like Hitler and Stalin and there are people who lived under communism and support Trump. Some have been on Fox News to speak up and those moments mislead the public. Shabbos Kestenbaum has repeatedly gone on Fox News and that misleads Jews and others. The world has been misled in so many ways and corrections must be made. Trump must step down! Let’s us learn from what happened to the Jews and get rid of MAGA before November 5. The times are not the same, but what Trump has done and will do are significant and significantly bad. I have known where things could go since January 3, 2021 which was three days before the insurrection. And Trump’s rewarding his troops made me go back to Poland 1939 which millions of people should either read or know about.

I searched for the book at home. In the village of Maszów this occurred in 1939. A victorious Soviet Army entered and a lieutenant spoke to the people in the main square and speaking about twenty years of exploitation (decades of Democrats in power in America according to Trump). The communist said, “kill and take the property of those who filled their pockets and barns with your blood.”  And I can see a huge effort to destroy the progress made in America by the misleading words and actions of Trump and his supporters. Nuke Gaza by Senator Lindsay Graham is one of them. The work of Congresswoman Virginia Foxx and others in Congress is another one even as they fight against antisemitism (too late and not knowing better ways to go about things). And I will not join them as others have. They should resign because of what they have done.

In conclusion, I have walked the halls of Congress over a decade ago and I consider Congress my home. That attack facilitated by Trump was attack on my home, just like attacks on private homes that we see across our nation. It was a major violation, but most Republicans have led the people astray as they ask you, the American people to look forward. “Fight like hell,” is that Trump wanted and now we have to fight to win the November Election. Fight!


Red MAGA Yarmulkas for Black People

I was researching Don Samuels, the opponent of Congresswoman Omar in Minneapolis and found him not to be the person I was looking for. Keep in mind my article in Jewish Business News about Congresswoman Omar and a major suggestion that I made to her staff about telling her constituents the “truth” about Palestine. I continued to do other searches and found amazing things.

There are no red yarmulkas that I know about and hope to never see one. I detest MAGA and Trump. Where did the thought come from? I read articles late last night and there was one about the Jews that were with Dr. King in Selma. I fired off the article to a buddy of mine who hails from Selma where his home was right near KKK headquarters by the Edmund Pettus Bridee. We were just talking the other day about the cotton and watermelon that he farmed before coming to New York. We also talked about baked clams and calamari which were probably never talked about in his life in Selma.

Let’s get back to the past to learn more. It was 1965 in Alabama.

Rabbi Alvin Sugarman of Atlanta, who had traveled to Alabama that morning on a bus packed to the limit with black and Jewish members of Atlanta’s Black Jewish Coalition, addressed a rally a at the Brown Chapel  church

Rabbi Sugarman told what had happened only blocks from the Brown Chapel. “One morning I came in and a buyer phoned in and said he was late. He came in with mud all over his boots and said, ‘I’m sorry son, I was late; I was out in the field beatin’ up a bunch of niggers. ‘And he said that,” Rabbi Sugarman added, “as matter of factly as if he’d had a flat tire. I never walked in that man’s store again, and two years later I left the business world and entered rabbinic school.”

That was 1985 when he spoke.

Clearly reciprocity does not work as well as it did. Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles heard it spoken to him. Do the Right Thing has been replaced by a need for reciprocity. It’s a new generation. I also loved the way that Rabbi Alvin Sugarman of Atlanta cancelled that man and how he would never walk into the man’s store again.

The demand for yarmulkas was so great (called “freedom caps) that 1,000 more were ordered. And I say today no Red Maga Yarmulkes for Black people.

I am done with this research and now I can move across the Atlantic to England. This is about the complacency of Winston Churchill’s “propaganda ministry.”

Keep in mind that I noticed the news about a Black man who stabbed an Orthodox Jew on the streets of New York City, and I was Brooke Goldstein commenting on things on Fox News which I consider only slightly better than La Libre Parole. I say that not because Fox is treating Jews badly, no. But the network and MAGA have treated lots of other minorities poorly including migrants.

Jews were blamed for an increase in antisemitism and recently even Donald Trump pointed out that the War in Gaza is going to increase antisemitism

LONDON — British government officials knew of a rising tide of anti-Semitism during World War II, but took no action to counter it (I say that Congress has done nothing to help the rising antisemitism and hate including Islamphobia on college campuses

This information comes from the highly sensitive papers have been stored in the National Archives for the past seven decades

The file, “Anti-Semitism in Great Britain”

A concern was what would happen to Jews in the Nazis invaded England – betrayal or the rescue of Jewish neighbours

And we had our own concerns since Nazis were holding rallies and doing much more prior to Pearl Harbor

In a May 1943 report “there had been a considerable increase in anti-Semitic feeling” since 1039

The ministry’s director general, regional officials he had called to a meeting on the subject “regard it as quite beyond argument that the increase of anti-Semitic feeling was caused by serious errors of conduct on the part of Jews.”

Only Northern Ireland and the northeast of England it seemed did not see an increase in anti-Semitism. The picture was good for Jews in rural parts of the country and the big industrial cities Manchester and Leeds, with long-established Jewish communities, and others where few Jews lived.

Jews had to be evacuated along with others due to the intense German bombing and there was resentment against those Jews

These were days of the “black market” since there was rationing

Commercial drive and living apart from other Englishmen in peace was one thing but war made things worse

in, were just the things that told against them in wartime when a nation dislikes the struggle for individual advantages and feels the need for homogeneity above everything else.”

British leaders called for a low-key approach of action and that is was the domain of the Nazis

Leaders felt that their actions would exacerbate anti-Semitic myths

A March 1943 stampede at a bomb shelter killed 173 people and Jews were falsely blamed

Referring to a March 1943 stampede at a bomb shelter in the

After a high-profile black-market case in Salford in Greater Manchester, a local Ministry of Information civil servant reported to London that there had been “anxiety among the Jews culminating in the visit of two representative Jews to the regional office.”

Jewish community leaders did their best to speak out and reported that employers were discriminating against Jews including Jewish nurses during a shortage

The report indicated that Jewish communities were blind to the “black market” trade of some Jews

I had heard about this kind of thing and NYC from my grandmother in the 1950s

Alarms about increased anti-Semitism were met with officials who would downplay the problem

Here are some examples of antisemitism from a report during the war

 stickers plastered on doors and windows of businesses “Britannia rules the waves — yeth, but we rule Britannia”; a fascist publication

a far-right pamphlet which blamed Jews for anti-Semitism

anti-Semitic graffiti such as “Down with the filthy Jews” and “burn the Jews” in parts of London, Manchester and Hove, a seaside town in southeast England with a large Jewish population.

The file indicates politicians sometimes lent the community a more sympathetic ear than their civil servants.

Winston Churchill’s first Minister of Information, Duff Cooper, lent the community a sympathetic ear. (Public domain)

Bracken’s predecessor, Duff Cooper, supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine and had resigned from prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s cabinet in protest of the 1938 Munich Agreement which appeased Hitler’s aggression towards Czechoslovakia. In early 1941, Anthony de Rothschild, who had founded the Central British Fund for German Jewry to assist the Nazis’ first victims, wrote to him laying out the UK community’s anxieties.

“There is an impression that there has been of recent weeks a growth of anti-Semitism in the country and there is some reason for supposing that it may not be unconnected with enemy propaganda, although this is hard, of course, to establish,” de Rothschild argued.

“Representatives of the Jewish community in London have considered the matter and are naturally perturbed from their own point of view, but it also seems to them that developments on this line help the enemy and damage the war effort,” he wrote.

People close to Churchill proposed a radio broadcast labeling anti-Semitism as a threat to Britain. And no action was taken.

In 1947 there was anti-Jewish rioting  in the UK after the Irgun hanged two British sergeants in mandate-era Palestine in retaliation for the execution of three of its members.

Although nobody was killed in the violence in Liverpool and Manchester in northwest England and the Scottish city of Glascow and there were calls for “calm”

Events in Palestine had been the immediate cause

But this was going on in post WWII England

 Britain was already struggling under the weight of the cost of the war and reconstruction

There was austerity imposed by the government and rationing and controls

In 1947, these difficulties were compounded by a sharp economic downturn and rising unemployment

Jews, historian Tony Kushner has pointed out became a scapegoat

While the Ministry of Information had closed its doors the previous year, the anti-Semitic myths it failed to tackle during the war lingered on.

And I say that the US Congress has failed during the crisis on campus. It was led by MAGA people and others followed in the name of fighting antisemitism.

And Brooke Goldstein on Fox News was placing blame on Minister Farrakhan, and we have to find out much more about the stabbing of that Orthodox Jews on the streets of New York.

I have reported in writing on the “Minister” and even at that moment people had their minds made up and didn’t need to know more. Not enough was being done at that time.

And my main concern right now is to fight fascism in our nation. I actually have some idea or ideas for Brooke Goldstein and one of them is to stay off of Fox News.

Teachers and Students Against Fascism

A new organization or movement is created, and a name is needed.

BLM-Black Lives Matter. This movement helped to undo the success of Donald Trump who has been taking us back to the 1930s on the yellow brick road back to FASCISM. Let Trump be Trump and follow his yellow brick road. The movement Teachers Against Fascism hit me this morning, but I would not leave out college, university, and high school students including students who left school to be home schooled. It is commonly known and expressed that hatred never stops with the Jews and Trumpism has accelerated the movement of hatred in our nation. I saw it coming back in 2016. Professor Timothy Snyder and others know this well and have attempted to make a difference by speaking out. Speaking out! Speaking out! So we need a movement that includes but is not dominated by everything that has preceded this moment.

Take a look at this. T.A.F.=Teachers Against Fascism.

F.A.T. what FAT? Fascists Against Teachers.

F.E.A. what FEA which means UGLY in Spanish but stands for Fascists Educational Association.

How can anyone opposing Trump right now not teach voters much more? Check speeches being made in swing states. I noticed that L.U.L.A.C. just endorsed Kamala Harris and the article I read stated that this endorsement is rare for the organization to do. I know about Latino fascism, and I have written about it. Most recently the other day in writing about a dictator of El Salvador who held power for 12 years and he was a man of color.

The voters have to wake up. What woke? Si, se puede. Yeh man!

All voters, all ethnic groups, all minorities and majorities. All of this has to be done by social media to better inform the American public. Take the A.F.T. or American Federation of Teachers of the U.F.T. or United Federation of Teachers and I am a member of both as a retired teacher (retired in 2000). Those unions and organizations must join the movement. And I am prepared to explain much more to Kamala Harris, Tim Waltz and others right now.

The next 85 days before the November Election are like 85 seconds to keep FASCISM away from US that will help the world.