A Zone of Interest

The United States press needs to do more and be better. In the last week, I have contacted The New York Times, The New York Post, and The New York Daily News (all newspapers) and WPIX (television).  There have been no replies, of course. Important news is being held back from the public. Important news was being held back from the public in Europe at the time of Adolph Hitler and things changed. Who played a role changing that? It was Edward R. Murrow. Then the pendulum swung back.

Citizens of London by Lynn Olsen tells US about Edward R. Murrow and his thoughts back then.

Murrow was “disheartened” by the lack of freedom and justice in the world.

He saw the “souring” of peace and the rise of international tensions.

He was “distressed” by the rise of McCarthyism.

And for readers to know about those newspapers and many others and that television station and many others.

Murrow was deeply concerned about “the decline of broadcast journalistic standards.” Or what I sometimes call today mediocrity. And Murrow criticized his chief at CBS, Bill Paley, for going after “profits and ratings.”

Here is a quote from Citizens of London, ”The news division, which had made CBS the number one network in the country during the war (World War II) was pushed into the background.”

Entertainment became the main focus.

And this is based on facts and based on truth. And just like recent documentaries (Ken Burns, for example) that portrayed the United States almost totally against the Jews in the days of Adolph Hitler, everyone has to do better. This article was just sent to Congressman Henry Cuellar, and I sent another article to Senator Chris Van Holland about The Swastika Nation. My concerns there were about possible antisemitism in relation to arming Israel at this moment.

The Zone of Interest has won awards, and its writer director made a statement about the current conflict in Gaza. There are clearly extremist views and lots of other viewpoints that people ought to know about. Some knowledgeable historians (but only a few) have pointed out that The Holocaust should either not be brought up or rarely brought up. Criticism of Israel under those terms is acceptable, but do people wish to hear it (Jews and non-Jews alike).

And here is part of my article written months before the repugnant House Ed and Workforce hearings that demonized Ivy League presidents and now wishes to demonize a member of UAW section 9 A.

Inna Vernikov Stop It Now

Posted October 16, 2023

Most Jews wish to see Hamas destroyed and quickly. What Hamas did was evil, and it takes my mind back to the Massacre of Hebron in 1929. And I know that there were good Palestinians who protected Jews then who fled to save their lives. And that was before Hitler and The Holocaust, Arabs who protected and saved Jews are enshrined in the Yad Vashem in Israel as “Righteous of Nations.” And it is hoped that all Israelis and Jews remember all this.

Czar Nicholas II of Russia said that 99 percent of troublemakers were Jews. Know your Russian-Soviet history. And now Czar Ron DeSantis says that 100 percent of Palestinians are antisemitic and just at a time when we count on fairness among Palestinians and their supporters.

I know that Inna Vernikov has been trained recently in self-defense and she has promoted it in her community since then. I know she is a strong Republican, but her challenge of the new state law about bringing guns to a protest and overturning the law could lead to all Palestinians and their supporters to arm themselves, bringing guns to protests, and incentivize violence in Brooklyn. Be careful what you wish for. The Russian Czar was repugnant and the Florida Czar is too.

This is the kind of factual material that was brought forth at the Academy Awards.

I have contacted the journalist at the Hollywood Reporter about his article related to the pro-Palestinian protests at the Academy Award. The real problem, and I have noted it for years, is this. This is the tip of the iceberg (Titanic) and it affects politics and society. It affects major organizations across our nation that we count on to fight hate to the best of their ability. The best is yet to come.