
This information and warning were given to important elected officials beginning on May 6 by email. George Floyd’s death took place hereThe incident occurred on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, in the 3700 block of Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis Police say.”

The DOE Police government and community have to unite with the parents of special ed students to confront properly this new monster that is leading to arrests.

With about 100,000 children in the city of NYC the children of the incarcerated and or former incarcerated tells us that potentially more work has to be done.

I wonder right now about those who have been arrested in NYC just how many are or were special ed to ascertain the current statistics in this matter.

Caring about those families is critical.  Right now those families affected are statistics and no more.  Are there any Harvard U. graduates among those who have been arrested?

Zero tolerance led to mass incarceration and there were options that were not utilized before such large numbers of people ended up in jail.  NY for example is the worst state in the nation in the delivery of GED to the African American community.  Parent involvement is the key to success and will the people in power actually reach and reach well the population being discussed right here.

I will find out the reaction of Eric Adams probably tomorrow from a Brooklyn district leader.  He knows the special ed population gets into the most trouble in his school district where he works as an AP.


I now have every borough covered except Staten Island and there surely do not wish to see flareups of police vs youth in social distancing there.

I look forward to continuing the conversation in progress right now.

see this article with key information from my article in Israel.

I followed up the previous information with this. “This is very important about social distancing policing arrests in connection with a sector that historically has been in great need   special ed students and their families throughout the city.

Martin Danenberg

Now on May 13, 2020 this went out by email.

Policing and social distancing.  Almost two months before July 1, 2020 and youth are not in school.  Borough president Eric Adams is taking action to communicate with parents as we see eruptions against the policing. I was a guest speaker at DOE headquarters under Chancellor Fariña and nobody listened to me.  This was the time of Toya Graham and the trouble in Baltimore as she caught her son on the street with a ski mask and a rock in a protest.  She slapped him on the head and took him home before he got into trouble.

I was informed many years ago that 60 percent of youth in jail were special ed students and they make up a low percentage of the school population.  Parents probably have to deal with more than one such child in the family and those parents need to be targeted for help, specifically and not part of a general population of parents.  That is what the borough presidents and the mayor can do with the police and the DOE right now.  I have spoken to headquarters today in Chicago PD where an officer was assigned to talk to me by the superintendent and that officer knows me well.  Detective Amen of the NYPD Hate Crimes Division and I talked today as well.  Now is a time for urgent care and urgent responses to develop better parent involvement and possibly greater police awareness to this problem.  And what is going to happen to those students in our schools that were not on track to graduate in June?  Help can be provided for them.

Now I take you to a Floyd on May 10, 2016 when I published this. Open the book which reveals what I considered to be the most important first scene of my work as a teacher in New York City. You will quickly read about my student Coleman who you could also call Floyd. I could have started that work with other amazing experiences, but I chose to write about what happened to Coleman. Here is what happened. Think about it! Our youth need added layers of protection. And just call him Floyd if you wish.

The information contained in this article was sent to major cities: New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Boston, and more.

Trump is critical of the handling of the crisis created in Minneapolis, but we should recall how Trump told police all over the country to rough people up before hauling them into the police station (Freddie Gray). The violence is escalating and Trump calls for more violence which combined with his previous statement to the police puts Trump alone even among Republicans that I can think of. He has a unique sense of morality that reminds US of days long ago when violence was perpetrated by people ordered to do so. Trump was and is a weak link in America, a link granted power that he should never have had.

And in addition to everything that is going on, Trump appears ready to bring US back to a time when we experienced the Kent State Massacre instead of taking fast decisive action to help (control is another thing). Yes I know the F.B.I. was involved before the escalation of violence in Minneapolis, but the White House had other options such as sending a team of experts in to bring attention to the positive role that a leader could provide. This is not backseat driving talk because I was on the phone with an African American yesterday and we talked about the need to form a committee to help. Trump could have reached out to Reverend Darrell Scott, Jim Brown, Dr. Ben Carson, Mike Pence, and a million Republicans loyal to our nation (I mean to Donald Trump). Keep in mind that Donald Twitter spoke about protecting the potatoes on Virginia’s farms recently and I immediately wrote about how dangerous his comment was and there were no violent protests at that time.

I had a conversation with Bruce Capers from Savannah, Georgia, former member of the Harlem Globetrotters, before the fires were started in Minneapolis and he told me that he had spent a lot of time in that city since it was the home office of the Harlem Globetrotters decades ago. He spoke about doing more for Minneapolis, Black people, and our nation. So people around the country were thinking of doing much more than just send in the national guard and protect property. Capers has had the desire for many years to make a greater difference in our nation besides basketball and it seems his time has come.

Trump tripped all over himself by not doing more to speak to churches although the White House spoke to the Orthodox Jewish community over two months ago as a wedding party was not “social distancing.” People are about to get back to church and need the best advice. And Trump continues to make things worse by his neglect and his words. His Tweet about using “vicious dogs” to quell the protestors impacts and could lead to an escalation of violence given the facts as we have seen them (thinking of the Civil Rights Movement). Comments supporting peace are needed.

I am concerned about bad and neglectful leadership across the board. It exists in the White House and it exists in communities everywhere.  Bruce Capers, among his many COVID-19 activities and concerns, reaches out to around 30 former members of the Harlem Globetrotters across the United States each week. I hope to join them in the next conversation and I would like to invite all of America (and the world) to participate with us. Our nation’s free press will be invited as well.

I was a panelist at the National Black Violence Convention in Philadelphia just a few years ago. The highlight of my day happened just after I spoke to the entire body of attendees about helping people. I returned to my seat in the auditorium and suddenly an African American who had heard me speak came to tell me that I am right. He was the only person who thanked me and told me that I am right. What I spoke about and more is in my recent article called The New York Story which could be the story of the town or city where you live as well. Have the people of Minnesota seen my article about their police chief Bob Kroll (union chief)? And Trump has invoked the name of General Douglas MacArthur without knowing how the general was diminished by his lies and his appearance before a Senate Hearing in the 1950s. See Trump’s Destruction, my article on that.

Let’s Zoom soon with the Harlem Globetrotters (Vamos a zoom-ear pronto con los Harlem Globetrotters) and find Zoom solutions together to bring peace to communities.