Harris Faulkner of Fox News says I Never Thought I Would Look Up and See Someone Call for the Roundup of Jewish People

Pardon my French Rabbi Hier (yesterday in French) and Harris Faulkner of Fox Entertainment as I report the news of July 17, 1942 as 9,000 police rounded up 26,000 Jews in Paris known as the Rafle du Vel D’Hiv (Vel D’Hiv Roundup in English). I Never Thought I Would Look Up and See Someone Call 12 police citations and a mayor’s response to flagrant violations of Corona Virus regulations a Roundup of Jews. Ce n’est pas possible! Rabbi Hier was a guest speaker for The Donald at his inauguration and his reasoning back then resonated a tone about possibly causing ill will towards Jews that could result in a rise in anti-Semitism by his not speaking at the event.

Faulkner appeared to be talking about Mayor Bill de Blasio because there were no other names put into the ring to comment about on Fox.  As we all know, the synagogue apologized to the mayor. In another presentation on Fox, Rabbi Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center spoke about the center’s role in fighting anti-Semitism which will be discussed here.

I spoke to the rabbi once after his return from a trip to Japan and he could not educate me about what steps would be taken in the fight against anti-Semitism as Linda Sarsour attended an event with Minister Louis Farrakhan.  Sarsour, I learned, was instrumental in getting support from Black Lives Matter leaders by taking them to Palestine.

Rabbi Cooper shows some weakness with his good work. He was articulate on the show, but he does not have a closeup view of politics in New York where sometimes statements made only need clarification instead of apologies or more. There was no corruption involved in de Blasio’s statements and actions. Faulkner could have left out her comment about “rounding up Jews in America” and the Satmar community could have refrained from producing the funeral under Jewish law as well. There is liability and the liability which was not civil liability rested with the Satmar community, especially after our Jewish communities had been warned in mid-March by the White House counsel in a telephone conference call that is well known. Nobody mentioned that all Jews are to follow not only US laws and policies but also Jewish law which permits the suspensions of such funerals.

The joint agreement by the people planning the funeral and the police did not work out as planned. People were watching and noticed the flagrant violation of social distancing at the funeral. That is news that can travel fast around the globe without the additional police presence that was brought in. In other words, members of the Satmar community should have been more cooperative and the actions taken were appropriate. And we hope that people everywhere know that the Jewish people were not given privileges that others lack in the city. Social distancing is for everyone and de Blasio’s statement indicated that.

I would not permit Harris Faulkner, Rabbi Cooper, and Rabbi Hier into my home during this pandemic.  I left out Mayor de Blasio.  With no pandemic, they could come to my home. Trump is not allowed in my home! I have personally met de Blasio and spoken to him once several years ago. My desire to protect and defend him here is based on truth. And I may have to reconsider what I just wrote about Faulkner and the rabbis.

Rabbi Cooper can come to New York, spend some time in Williamsburg, and find out more what is going on behind the scenes. We need to build a bridge between communities near the Williamsburg Bridge.  I was born in Williamsburg Maternity Hospital and was brought home to South Eighth Street where I resided for the first four years of my life. And the Wiesenthal Center can tell the White House that it missed a very important opportunity to “liberate” the NYPD as it tried to keep “social distancing” which was directed by the White House repeatedly. I would also recommend some retraining for the award-winning member of Fox Entertainment.

Mayor de Blasio has taken action and 1,000 police officers will be added to help with “social distancing” in New York City. No “roundup of Jews” is in the works nor is the roundup of any ethnic group in the works. My own family is part of the Hasidic community in Brooklyn (I get reports about its social distancing) and New Jersey. It was reported in Israel where authorities broke up gatherings of the Orthodox community there that members of the police were called “Nazis, murderers.” And social gatherings were capped at 20 people in Tel Aviv.  And around the same time in New York City, two police officers were hurt in a demonstration of 20,000 mourners in Brooklyn, one person was arrested.

My instincts tell me that Trump’s campaign people have already noticed Rabbi Cooper’s statement on Fox and it will be used to divide our nation even more. It was clear to me four years ago that Trump was dividing US the way that the military divided France during The Dreyfus Affair. I am the author of J’Accuse: Zolá Is My Guide. My readers, since the 2016 Campaign, know my work well and I have been right all along. Trump may or may not be an anti-Semite, but he has a big pot of supporters that he stirs up. His silence in this important matter speaks volumes about his leadership. I would like Rabbis Hier and Cooper to finally learn much more to help us fight anti-Semitism around the world. And Harris Faulkner should study The Dreyfus Affair much more and find another network to work for.