Freedmen Created Social Security and Critical Thinking

Anyone who knows my work well knows that articles about the Civil War and Reconstruction hardly exist. I chose to buy a book, and I was just going to write about my critical thinking of social security when a new news headline struck my attention hard.

How fear of ‘critical thinking’ drives Christian nationalists’ ‘rising authoritarianism’: ex-evangelical. How many Americans even noticed that. And last night I was reading about what the freedmen went through because of fear and white supremacy.

I read this last night. A white minister from South Carolina shot and killed a freedman when the latter objected when a Black man “objected to the expulsion of another Black man from church services.” Are we not in a civil war right now? I also read in the news online how an Imam was selected by the Trump team (not Biden) to give the invocation at Trump’s inauguration as “a radical, antisemite” and who had “a significant history of extremism.” That cleric supports Trump over Trump’s opposition to gay marriage. And last night as I read how freedmen were citing the Declaration of Independence and its famous clause “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and particularly, at times, happiness when it was badly needed.

Trump has not fought to ban gay marriages at all, although he has lots of evangelicals and others in his camp, especially now. I could not find a precise reference to antisemitism in the article, but it probably had something to do with Hezbollah and Israel many years ago. This material comes from The New York Post which is a huge supporter of Donald Trump. I later found out from another source that the Imam had called Saudi Arabia an “agent of the Jews” (The NY Post probably chose not to write it) because of a Saudi attack on Yemen. So, he went beyond mentioning Zionism and brought up the Jews.

I am not impressed about any of the religious leaders who will be speaking at the inauguration, and I have personally spoken to Pastor Sewell of Detroit who months ago told the press and me that someone else in his congregation invited Trump. That could be entirely true, but I wouldn’t invite Trump to my home. Sewell must have been completely backing that invitation. And Sewell spoke at the Republican National Convention in July, opposing Kamala Harris’s nomination. He has been passing Trump’s loyalty test. Sewell is concerned and mentioned the low reading skills of people in Detroit. Maybe he should have concentrated on teaching the entire city how to read better? I would love to watch him in action. Sewell is just another Black man quoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and having either his blinders on or not knowing just how Donald J. Trump was posting things that were posted by White Supremacists. I expect his loyalty to be repaid in some other ways by Trump.

And about literacy and Pastor Sewell, I found this “Partnered with Pam Good and the Beyond Basics program which now gives hope and a future to the students that attend Pontiac area schools with one-on-one tutoring and mentoring.” Pam Good, I read, was going to help 10,000 of the 12,000 high school students in Detroit. So, what happened pastor? That was taken from an article in Detroit in October 2019 and the results portrayed by Pastor Sewell are not indicative of success for Detroit. Could it be that the tutoring was not as good as the pastor expected? Tutoring in Virginia under Governor Youngkin, a Republican, did not work out well and that was a warning to other states. There were no results listed on the pastor’s webpage.

By the way, the average income of people in Detroit is half that of others in the state. Could it be that Trump’s first four years really didn’t help Detroit much?

Southern whites beat a Black soldier who said he was proud to have served in the Union army

From 1965-1967 there were 1,000 murders of Blacks by Whites

A Texas lawyer killed a Black man who refused to be bound and whipped

There was “pathological fear” of the former Black slave

Freedmen were assaulted and killed for all kinds of reasons and there was a lynching of 24 Blacks as well

It makes you wonder if Florida includes information like this in its curriculum of Black history (American history). Is Praeger U. providing this kind of content? And would Congressman Donaldson, a huge Trump supporter, object to teaching this?

Keep in mind that freed Blacks were calling for much more than Emancipation. They wanted full rights such as voting and serving on juries in court (justice)

And this bit of information hit hard. White Virginians were told that “our fathers as well as yours were toiling in the plantations on James River.” That was a reference to 1619 when America started to build the American nation that had nothing to do with Marxist revisionism. It was Black people talking “common sense” that Whites did not wish to hear. And today, we often read about Republicans citing to not look at the past and just let US move forward. They don’t know that we started teaching American history that way in New York City in the 1970s. And that Crispus Attucks, a Black man, was the first man killed in the fight for freedom that led to a new nation. American history was Marxist without Marx, because of the oppression that was taking place. Even long before Marx, in Brandywine in Delaware, a member of the Dupont family was killed by his employees because those workers faced danger and death in mining gunpowder and their safely was not a priority of the boss.

If you read about The Spanish Holocaust, you will see the universality of the horrific behavior of the landowner who killed several farm workers there to keep his workers under control as the Spanish Civil War started. We can also think about Stalin and what he did to the kulaks in Ukraine. Mass murder!

Opponents also decried the proposal as socialism. The proposal being social security in 1935. During a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Senator Thomas Gore (D-OK) asked “Isn’t this Socialism?” She replied that it was not, but he continued, “Isn’t this a teeny-weeny bit of Socialism?”

Excluded from the benefits of unemployment insurance and old age pensions were most women

 Job categories not covered by the act included workers in agricultural labor, domestic service, government employees, and many teachers, nurses, hospital employees, librarians, and social workers.

Also  denied coverage were individuals who worked intermittently.

 These jobs were dominated by women and minorities

Women made up 90 percent of domestic labor in 1940, two-thirds of all employed black women were in domestic service

Half of the working population was excluded

Two-thirds of all African Americans in the labor force were excluded

In the South, 70 to 80 percent were not covered

About half of all women employed were not covered by Social Security

 The NAACP protested the Social Security Act, calling “a sieve with holes just big enough for the majority of Negroes to fall through.

And today, Republicans are often talking about women staying home to raise children. There is a huge blame game, And today, Republicans are pushing charter schools and there is a huge blame game there, too.

Gettng rid of social security and unions that cost business more money is to them “common sense.” Socialism-communism is to blame. Now wait a minute! You know you make me want to shout about things here.

There were no Marxist schools in Civil War and Reconstruction. Blacks went on strike for higher wages or spread collective petitions for higher wages. Where? New Orleans, Richmond, Savannah, and Columbus, Georgia.

When the crops failed for sharecroppers in 1866, Blacks were upset and cried out for “one-half of what was due them.” Again, it wasn’t Marxism, it was the universality of a system that was hurting workers.

And we have to use our “critical thinking” skills much more here. Thank Malcolm X and the knowledge that he brought forth about the two types of Negroes who worked for the plantation owner. Freed blacks insisted that the land belonged to them and left as they were asked to sign labor contracts. They also would tell the “master” that the kitchen in the plantation house belonged to he who cut the timber to create it. That they, black people were “joint heirs” as a Tennessee planter said that blacks made their residence “in the rooms of my house.” And this was universal thinking. There was a real demand for reparations.

Those were difficult times amidst the Civil War and a nation that was changing a century in one year. And there were the elderly blacks who spent their lifetime on the plantation. How would they survive, especially as old age took its toll and without social security? How? Those elderly wished to be supported during those years by the same planters that enslaved them. As you can see, Blacks created or discovered or wished for social security. The result was that they didn’t achieve it or obtain it, even during the Great Depression.

Notice how similar that was to social security, Not the same, of course. Our social security checks give US more freedom than that.

I wish that I could communicate with those who speak about the slave names given to blacks as I read about free blacks who took new names such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson among many others.

Blacks were also looking for long lost family members who were sold and moved. Jewish people must think about just how our people did their best to find loved ones deported under Nazi rule. Reuniting families is universal also in history. I noticed a name Cardozo who turned out to be a black man who had a Jewish father. Here was a man who acted on the principle that Free Blacks and the Freedmen were equals (there were all kinds of divisions between them) and that mulattoes did not progress more rapidly toward education than blacks. Also keep in mind that Free blacks did not want their children to go to school with Freedmen.

 And here goes the strong movement in New York that had its impact on our nation.

“By the early 1900s, the institutional groundwork for a powerful Jewish Socialist movement had been laid. One of the most important institutions of the movement was the Workmen’s Circle (Arbeter Ring), which began as a mutual aid society in 1892 and was reorganized as a multi-branch fraternal order in 1900.

The Workmen’s Circle provided its members with material assistance, such as health and death benefits, and its branches served as venues for social interaction and cultural expression. Branches also supported their members who were on strike, and the order as a whole aided striking unions and Socialist causes. Members were permitted to hold whatever political or religious opinions they liked, as long as they did not vote for the candidates of a bourgeois party. The order itself was resolutely secular.”

Keep this in mind, in 1867, Jews formally received full equal rights in Austria thanks to liberalization efforts. This is where my grandparents came from. Russian Jews experienced heightened antisemitism In Ukraine in 1881, after Jews were scapegoated for the assassination of Alexander II, violence broke out in 166 Ukrainian towns, thousands of Jewish homes were destroyed, many families reduced to extremes of poverty, large numbers of men, women, and children were injured and some killed. For three years, these attacks continued as government and police even got involved against the Jews.

Jews and Blacks had their similarities, and we can go back, for example, to Memphis, Tennessee in 1866 to see that. “(Among the leaders of Memphis’ religious and benevolent societies, the majority were unskilled laborers.)”

Self help meant that the destitute among other Blacks got help.

Nashville, Jackson, New Orleans, Atlanta, and rural areas helped create orphanages, soup kitchens, employment agencies, and poor relief funds. Even donations were made to poor Whites.

There it is for you. And then the rise of the KKK slowed and stopped progress. Huge amounts of people were in need for social security by 1935, especially during The Great Depression, but the need was always there. And the need today is great as huge percentages of people face poverty right now.