Carter and Trump Failures Over Israel

Provoked by a reader in Florida who told me she is on “pins and needles” waiting for what I would write,  had not even thought about writing about Carter. His death at 100 years of age almost seems biblical as I approach my eightieth-year next month. Then I called a long-time reader of mine, a call to a major city in Georgia which I had visited on a car trip. He had not answered the phone for days and I was worried. The sky cleared and the sun came out as he answered the phone and we spoke about Jimmy Carter, FEMA, the hostage situation back then, and more. More will be coming since I told him that I would call him after wishing him a Happy New Year.

My readers know that I often place important information that comes in at the last minute to support my articles and that information is usually at the end of my article. This time, the latest news deserves mentioning up front. But first let me share this.

Carter and Trump failed, thinking about the latest war in Gaza which would not have happened under Trump. My position is that Trump is one of the worst presidents we have ever had. His popularity, as many know, is based on  his constant campaigning or willingness to fight. His mistakes have been legendary, but his support is HUGE. People will tell you he says stupid things but his policies work and he keeps his promises. I have never been impressed. Okay! With that said, look what I learned about yesterday and found in The New York Post.

Hamas spent 7 years collecting intel on security cameras, guards and even a kindergarten in Israeli communities massacred on Oct. 7: report

Story by Ronny Reyes • 2d • 4 min read

As you can see, it was only a matter of time and timing for the attack on Israel and the Jewish people to take place. Jewish people everywhere. Has Hamas had adequate information in 2020, the attack could easily have taken place. And it shows just how stupid The New York Post was for even writing what you have just read, keeping in mind that important things were held back from the world during WWII about Stalin and his massacre of 19,000 Polish officers.

Stop the world, I wanna get things straight. There should be a new election before the Trump inauguration. I know that we are facing a constitutional crisis since it’s in the news often. The word arrest means to stop, and the harm done by the Trump Administration has been HUGE. Trump should resign and now or he should be “arrested” somehow. If this new evidence about Hamas had not come forward and if The New York Post had not written about it, my case would have been much weaker since we need lots of evidence.

Let me come back to my senses since I got carried away by my emotions. As you know well, Jimmy Carter was president from 1977-1981 and he was defeated after one term and he never returned to office. It was around those years that I started to get much more creative. I suffered from arthritis in my toe joints, and I decided to drink S.C. to comfort me, which is a play on words. I had gotten into tennis in a big way after watching Guillermo Vilas win tournaments, mostly on clay. I was possessed and started to play tennis. That S.C. helped, but I also had what I would call “revelations” which was this. I could walk away from the office at work and in seconds an idea was revealed to me, an idea which I acted on. This combination propelled me to reach out to the world. You can read that I spoke to famous people on the phone, including Milos Forman, Stanely Kramer, and my late friend Mark Warren. I spoke to lesser-known people, of course, including the son of Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem. I was acquiring badly needed knowledge in the 1980s which Jimmy Carter apparently did not have.

The New York Post had already been on my mind yesterday as I read an article by Delano Squires in which he wrote this “They (Black people) were bombarded with messages during the presidential race smearing Trump as a racist bent on rolling back civil rights and giving police who kill black men in cold blood immunity from prosecution.” Focus on the word “smearing” here. Has Squires forgotten that message to police about Freddy Gray’s death in Baltimore about roughing up Black people and is it not true that police have wanted “immunity” in the performance of their duties? And is it not true that police loved Trump (older retired Black police officers did not share this viewpoint). And that Trump favored “Norwegian” types over immigrants coming from “shithole” nations or other nations designated something similar by Trump in his own words. Squires is conservative by his associations including The Heritage Foundation.

Squires is educated, but he needs more and here is information that he can write about in an article to start the New Year off right. Professor Lipstadt in Antisemitism Here and Now on page 46 which says A Taxonomy of the Antisemite “Let’s start with Donald Trump…” She quickly references Trump’s responses about the KKK in that chapter and she points out how he posted White Supremacist information. Trump apparently could not recall calling David Duke “a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean , this is not exactly the people you want in your party.” Since making to the White House, Trump’s memory had failed him. And it kept on failing him. There is not honest reason to protect Donald Trump on this issue. The truth must be spread.

If conservatives say and mean it that our college campuses need an infusion of conservative college professors, then why can’t my own views be expressed for a week in The NY Post since among other things I know where Bloomberg, DeBlasio, and Adams have gone wrong and that doesn’t mean that the city should have Sliwa, Cuomo, Malliotakis, etc. to lead the city.

With all of that said, let me take you back to the Carter Administration.

This is what I read about in 35 pages in the chapter The Carter Presidency: The Pursuit of Peace and Constant Tension with Israel.

I did my homework and learned about the hatred of Israelis for the Arabs. I learned and wrote and told Reagan supporters that there would be no peace in the Middle East since revenge was a major factor. Tell me that I was wrong in 1987 when I moved in conservative Middle Village and spoke out to the few people that I knew. I was not community minded until years later and my efforts were helping people as I became famous. Even after my fame died out, it was my idea to bring Smoking Joe Frazier together with Muhammad Ali to fight for the education of 40 million adults in the United States who had never finished high school (can you see the headlines in The New York Post?) That newspaper, in my opinion, is mediocre at best. I used to buy it until its headline was that Trump was clean when he was not.

My own messaging had to get stronger, and it did. From writing about the Massacre of Hebron in 1929 and the Israeli massacre at Deir Yassin in my work back then, I realized that it took more mentioning those two important facts.

Finally, I wrote that the 1929 Massacre of innocent Jews (like the massacre of 1,200 on October 7, 2023) should have been an integral part of all newspaper reporting such as The New York Post and the Arab American News in Dearborn, Michigan. And that means the information should go out worldwide (I just wrote to Pakistan where a huge demonstration full of Palestinian flags was held in Islamabad). What have worldwide Jewish organizations done? What? Are you getting a sense here of the mediocrity that I express to a few friends or others right now?

With that said he is summary of those pages in the book that I read years ago that

“For anyone who cares about U.S. Israeli ties, this is a must-read.”

Madeline Albright, 64th U.S. Secretary of State

You will now go back in time to learn what was going on from 1977-1981.Can you relate to those things? Are you informed? Did you vote in 2024 and know much or all of this?


Afghanistan-Soviet Union


West Bank


Yemen and its civil war



Saudi Arabia

Middle East Middle East and oil OPEC



Jewish leadership in the USA


Camp David (no mention of Mar-A-Lago)

Rabin, Arafat, Shimon Perez, Ariel Sharon




Resolution 252



Now you can learn more about Jimmy Carter and what he was about. Dennis Ross used lots of quotes directly taken from the diary of President Carter, but he was also there at the time. Ross is Jewish and he was young at the time (about 28 years old), and his book was published in 2015.His book has been repeatedly mentioned in my articles, but I have shown the weaknesses in the Jewish leadership based on his work, a weakness that continues to exist four years after Trump as Trump begins again. OMG!

Ross points out that Carter expressed this. He wished that he had gotten involved in the Civil Rights Movement. He was from Georgia and Georgia was segregated and kept African Americans back from achieving equal status. Ross writes about Carter’s feeling “guilt.” This section of the chapter needed more documentation, but Ross wrote,”He (Carter) saw Israel as the country occupying Palestinians and as the one mainly responsible for the perpetuation of the conflict.”

This information, presented in the same chapter under the title Carter’s Mind-set and approach, came from Stuart Eizenstat, a Jewish member of Carter’s team when Carter was governor of Georgia and then who ran the policy operation toward Carter’s victory in the Election of 1976. After that, Eizenstat was the White House “senior domestic policy advisor.”

Here is an example of things that Carter was writing (thinking) about Israeli leaders.  “I sent Begin and Sadat a congratulatory message after they received the Nobel Peace Jointly. Sadat deserved it: Begin did not.” And in the next paragraph, Ross gave lots of praise to Carter for his hard work and it was Carter who “literally drafted the Egyptian-Israeli part of the accords and held the summit together at the moments when it might otherwise collapsed.”

Trump told the world that he was looking at both a one state and a two-state solution when he was taking office in 2017 and recently, he spoke that Abbas wanted peace more than Netanyahu did. Same old, same old. Look again at what I wrote in late 2020 about the Abraham Peace Accords. Look world!

Posted December 23, 2020

And behind all this were the Arab leaders who often would not even raise the Palestinian issue at meetings during the Bush years. This chain of thought permeates Dennis Ross’ work and book. We can see some of it right now in the Abraham Peace Accord which may or may not be real peace. The bottom line is that Donald Trump who told the world that he was looking at a one state and a two-state solution in the Campaign of 2016 did not deliver. His deal making abilities fell far short and he had to reach into a back pocket to show the American people the huge progress that he made. Even the new deal with Morocco was made with a nation that was rich in supporting its Jewish population.

If Dennis Ross, the former diplomat knew it, Netanyahu knew it, I knew it, and countless others knew it, it had to be explained to Trump by someone familiar with the Middle East. Jared Kushner could easily have thought of his Abraham Peace Accords if Hillary Clinton had won the Election of 2016 and presented it to her in the name of world peace and she would have taken credit for it. Kushner already had a strong relationship with Netanyahu and things could have happened without Trump. And is it possible that Jared Kushner had read what I knew by reading the same book (Doomed to Succeed copyright 2015)?

And I wrote that almost three years before this new Gaza War.

Carter and Trump were losers here. MAGA lies cannot help bend the truth. And if millions of people who never attended the Ivy League 3 schools and other colleges had learned it since Carter’s time, why blame it all on the colleges. Even Condoleezza Rice (Ross wrote about her in the chapter on George W. Bush) referred to “apartheid” by Israel. And that was a Republican Administration. Carter was for human rights and Condoleezza Rice was able to balance her views by thinking of all the horrific terrorism that Israelis had to face.

Here is an example from that chapter. Has this been part of the news since the October 7, 2023 massacre? Ross called it the single worst terror event in Israel’s history which took place called the Coastal Road Massacre (38 civilians dead, including 13 children). The PLO team was in Lebanon and three days later there was retaliation as an Israeli team was sent there to clear out the PLO. Carter sent his condolences to Israel. Carter also would condemn the Israeli response. A UN team was later sent in (called UNFIL) and Ross says that Carter “could not know that UNFIL would be ineffectual.”

I decided to search for recent articles on the Coastal Road Massacre and I found one that took place after the October7, 2023 Massacre, but it seems the article had been prepared before the latest massacre and there was no mention of it.

I admit that my own memory had not stored that information until now. Was it not important? History matters! Doesn’t the attack by Putin matter for those who know the history of Hitler’s attack on Poland? Doesn’t the history of Jim Crow matter from its beginning to its end? And Trump cared more about sending troops to the border instead of helping Ukraine (Putin was and continues to be his great friend)?  Maybe they can both resign and go into the real estate business together? Or…serve time together somewhere. My memory is not that great for lots of things, but my writings turn up important things for the world to know.

The Arab world and Israel back then were fighting for security (from one another and from the growing influence of the Soviet Union). Fighter planes, financial aid, and more were needed. The idea of a Palestinian state was brought up and you can see the loud noise worldwide for that. Have you seen what I saw taking place in Islamabad, Pakistan? Just as I have presented material here from a major source of information, the Trump Administration must be carefully documented for US to read on the Abraham Peace Accords.  David Friedman wrote the book about his work to secure that “peace” accord which I called a trade agreement.

Look at what Ben Shapiro said about this peace in the Middle East. “When David Friedman took office, the Middle East was seen as a place of intractable conflict. When he left, the Middle East was blossoming into peace between Jews and Arabs. David Friedman was the right historic figure in a tumultuous, chaotic, and ultimately transformative time. In Sledgehammer, David tells the inside story of how the Trump administration changed the Middle East for the better.”

As you can see in 2022, he and others were proud of the “peace” and expected many more years of “peace.” And that was before the October 7,2023 Massacre which Trump says would never have taken place under him. Now let’s turn to Mark Levin. “In his book, Sledgehammer, David Friedman, the former US ambassador to Israel, provides his intriguing firsthand, behind-the-scenes account of the extraordinary peace initiatives President Trump and his team, in close coordination with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, launched, leading to the historic Abraham Accords. Friedman was at the center of the most diplomatically successful, pro-Israel administration since that nation’s founding. I encourage you to get a copy. Sledgehammer is a must-read.”

My own reaction to the Trump Accords was entirely different. Did I want it to fail? No! I had already read Dennis Ross’s book, did not feel that Jimmy Carter was antisemitic because of his diplomacy with Israeli leaders (I would have opened my mouth ,and written about that in Jewish Business News or in The Force 2020 DDT. I expected serious trouble as early as 2019. And there was trouble and even later much more big trouble. Trump failed.

Jimmy Carter had other urgent problems arise such as Iran and the Iran hostage situation and Dennis Ross explains just how the administration was not well equipped to deal with that matter since its concentration was on Israel and Palestine and the Camp David Accords.  Ross in his conclusion, anticipating “turmoil” in the Middle East also wrote “a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians-now looking increasingly less likely-would have little effect- on any of these issues if they were to materialize.” And “removing the Palestinian conflict as a moral issue for Israel and as a source for additional instability would be a good thing….” Trump went the other way and the rest is history. He accomplished good things in Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan. Go back to the list of countries in this article and you will see that the most problematic countries for Israel remained right up to today. Happy New Year and learn more!

Remember the beginning of the article and my contact from Georgia. Well, he has a lot on his plate, and we will devote a separate article to the memory of President Carter. I noticed that Nauseous (Nassau) County Executive Bruce Blakeman, a HUGE Trump TRUMP supporter has refused to lower the county flag half staff for Carter. He also has not released a statement. I think that it is time for Blakeman to resign. Yes resign and take TRUMP with him.