My love is like a red, red rose
West Side Story is like Romeo and Juliet
The Abraham Accords is like The Maginot Line.
The Maginot Line? What’s that? It’s French monsieur or madame for failure.
I knew it as soon as Trump announced it. The Abraham Peace Accords was really a trade accord.
Charles de Gaulle knew that The Maginot Line would not hold, and it didn’t. I knew that the same of the Abraham Accords and even wrote about the necessity of helping Jews come to the United States because of danger while other Americans wrote about keeping migrants out.
The Maginot Line (French: Ligne Maginot is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Nazi Germany and make them find another way around the fortifications. It was celebrated at the time. It was expensive effort that offered a false sense of security. The danger was there and the danger existed in Israel while Trump was in office.
Instead of using his toughness in office, Trump walked away from either a one-state solution or a two-state solution and the world celebrated his efforts.
We owe this current war to Trump’s ineptitude. I am not blaming him for the massacre on October 7, 2023, but Trump has failed lots of times, and I have exposed them in my articles.
I am not comparing myself to Charles de Gaulle, but my love of exposing him is like a red, red rose.
History buffs can make similar claims. What other stories were like West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet. Just like Romeo and Juliettttttttttttttt.
The First World War veteran and author of the 1934 book Vers l’Armée de Métier or “Toward a Professional Army” proposed France depart from strategies of defense and build its army around the principles the decisive use of tanks. Few paid attention to de Gaulle and his book was very successful in Germany. De Gaulle became a great hero in France and Trump has repeatedly failed although half the nation supports him no matter what he does.