Red MAGA Yarmulkas for Black People

I was researching Don Samuels, the opponent of Congresswoman Omar in Minneapolis and found him not to be the person I was looking for. Keep in mind my article in Jewish Business News about Congresswoman Omar and a major suggestion that I made to her staff about telling her constituents the “truth” about Palestine. I continued to do other searches and found amazing things.

There are no red yarmulkas that I know about and hope to never see one. I detest MAGA and Trump. Where did the thought come from? I read articles late last night and there was one about the Jews that were with Dr. King in Selma. I fired off the article to a buddy of mine who hails from Selma where his home was right near KKK headquarters by the Edmund Pettus Bridee. We were just talking the other day about the cotton and watermelon that he farmed before coming to New York. We also talked about baked clams and calamari which were probably never talked about in his life in Selma.

Let’s get back to the past to learn more. It was 1965 in Alabama.

Rabbi Alvin Sugarman of Atlanta, who had traveled to Alabama that morning on a bus packed to the limit with black and Jewish members of Atlanta’s Black Jewish Coalition, addressed a rally a at the Brown Chapel  church

Rabbi Sugarman told what had happened only blocks from the Brown Chapel. “One morning I came in and a buyer phoned in and said he was late. He came in with mud all over his boots and said, ‘I’m sorry son, I was late; I was out in the field beatin’ up a bunch of niggers. ‘And he said that,” Rabbi Sugarman added, “as matter of factly as if he’d had a flat tire. I never walked in that man’s store again, and two years later I left the business world and entered rabbinic school.”

That was 1985 when he spoke.

Clearly reciprocity does not work as well as it did. Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles heard it spoken to him. Do the Right Thing has been replaced by a need for reciprocity. It’s a new generation. I also loved the way that Rabbi Alvin Sugarman of Atlanta cancelled that man and how he would never walk into the man’s store again.

The demand for yarmulkas was so great (called “freedom caps) that 1,000 more were ordered. And I say today no Red Maga Yarmulkes for Black people.

I am done with this research and now I can move across the Atlantic to England. This is about the complacency of Winston Churchill’s “propaganda ministry.”

Keep in mind that I noticed the news about a Black man who stabbed an Orthodox Jew on the streets of New York City, and I was Brooke Goldstein commenting on things on Fox News which I consider only slightly better than La Libre Parole. I say that not because Fox is treating Jews badly, no. But the network and MAGA have treated lots of other minorities poorly including migrants.

Jews were blamed for an increase in antisemitism and recently even Donald Trump pointed out that the War in Gaza is going to increase antisemitism

LONDON — British government officials knew of a rising tide of anti-Semitism during World War II, but took no action to counter it (I say that Congress has done nothing to help the rising antisemitism and hate including Islamphobia on college campuses

This information comes from the highly sensitive papers have been stored in the National Archives for the past seven decades

The file, “Anti-Semitism in Great Britain”

A concern was what would happen to Jews in the Nazis invaded England – betrayal or the rescue of Jewish neighbours

And we had our own concerns since Nazis were holding rallies and doing much more prior to Pearl Harbor

In a May 1943 report “there had been a considerable increase in anti-Semitic feeling” since 1039

The ministry’s director general, regional officials he had called to a meeting on the subject “regard it as quite beyond argument that the increase of anti-Semitic feeling was caused by serious errors of conduct on the part of Jews.”

Only Northern Ireland and the northeast of England it seemed did not see an increase in anti-Semitism. The picture was good for Jews in rural parts of the country and the big industrial cities Manchester and Leeds, with long-established Jewish communities, and others where few Jews lived.

Jews had to be evacuated along with others due to the intense German bombing and there was resentment against those Jews

These were days of the “black market” since there was rationing

Commercial drive and living apart from other Englishmen in peace was one thing but war made things worse

in, were just the things that told against them in wartime when a nation dislikes the struggle for individual advantages and feels the need for homogeneity above everything else.”

British leaders called for a low-key approach of action and that is was the domain of the Nazis

Leaders felt that their actions would exacerbate anti-Semitic myths

A March 1943 stampede at a bomb shelter killed 173 people and Jews were falsely blamed

Referring to a March 1943 stampede at a bomb shelter in the

After a high-profile black-market case in Salford in Greater Manchester, a local Ministry of Information civil servant reported to London that there had been “anxiety among the Jews culminating in the visit of two representative Jews to the regional office.”

Jewish community leaders did their best to speak out and reported that employers were discriminating against Jews including Jewish nurses during a shortage

The report indicated that Jewish communities were blind to the “black market” trade of some Jews

I had heard about this kind of thing and NYC from my grandmother in the 1950s

Alarms about increased anti-Semitism were met with officials who would downplay the problem

Here are some examples of antisemitism from a report during the war

 stickers plastered on doors and windows of businesses “Britannia rules the waves — yeth, but we rule Britannia”; a fascist publication

a far-right pamphlet which blamed Jews for anti-Semitism

anti-Semitic graffiti such as “Down with the filthy Jews” and “burn the Jews” in parts of London, Manchester and Hove, a seaside town in southeast England with a large Jewish population.

The file indicates politicians sometimes lent the community a more sympathetic ear than their civil servants.

Winston Churchill’s first Minister of Information, Duff Cooper, lent the community a sympathetic ear. (Public domain)

Bracken’s predecessor, Duff Cooper, supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine and had resigned from prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s cabinet in protest of the 1938 Munich Agreement which appeased Hitler’s aggression towards Czechoslovakia. In early 1941, Anthony de Rothschild, who had founded the Central British Fund for German Jewry to assist the Nazis’ first victims, wrote to him laying out the UK community’s anxieties.

“There is an impression that there has been of recent weeks a growth of anti-Semitism in the country and there is some reason for supposing that it may not be unconnected with enemy propaganda, although this is hard, of course, to establish,” de Rothschild argued.

“Representatives of the Jewish community in London have considered the matter and are naturally perturbed from their own point of view, but it also seems to them that developments on this line help the enemy and damage the war effort,” he wrote.

People close to Churchill proposed a radio broadcast labeling anti-Semitism as a threat to Britain. And no action was taken.

In 1947 there was anti-Jewish rioting  in the UK after the Irgun hanged two British sergeants in mandate-era Palestine in retaliation for the execution of three of its members.

Although nobody was killed in the violence in Liverpool and Manchester in northwest England and the Scottish city of Glascow and there were calls for “calm”

Events in Palestine had been the immediate cause

But this was going on in post WWII England

 Britain was already struggling under the weight of the cost of the war and reconstruction

There was austerity imposed by the government and rationing and controls

In 1947, these difficulties were compounded by a sharp economic downturn and rising unemployment

Jews, historian Tony Kushner has pointed out became a scapegoat

While the Ministry of Information had closed its doors the previous year, the anti-Semitic myths it failed to tackle during the war lingered on.

And I say that the US Congress has failed during the crisis on campus. It was led by MAGA people and others followed in the name of fighting antisemitism.

And Brooke Goldstein on Fox News was placing blame on Minister Farrakhan, and we have to find out much more about the stabbing of that Orthodox Jews on the streets of New York.

I have reported in writing on the “Minister” and even at that moment people had their minds made up and didn’t need to know more. Not enough was being done at that time.

And my main concern right now is to fight fascism in our nation. I actually have some idea or ideas for Brooke Goldstein and one of them is to stay off of Fox News.