Teachers and Students Against Fascism

A new organization or movement is created, and a name is needed.

BLM-Black Lives Matter. This movement helped to undo the success of Donald Trump who has been taking us back to the 1930s on the yellow brick road back to FASCISM. Let Trump be Trump and follow his yellow brick road. The movement Teachers Against Fascism hit me this morning, but I would not leave out college, university, and high school students including students who left school to be home schooled. It is commonly known and expressed that hatred never stops with the Jews and Trumpism has accelerated the movement of hatred in our nation. I saw it coming back in 2016. Professor Timothy Snyder and others know this well and have attempted to make a difference by speaking out. Speaking out! Speaking out! So we need a movement that includes but is not dominated by everything that has preceded this moment.

Take a look at this. T.A.F.=Teachers Against Fascism.

F.A.T. what FAT? Fascists Against Teachers.

F.E.A. what FEA which means UGLY in Spanish but stands for Fascists Educational Association.

How can anyone opposing Trump right now not teach voters much more? Check speeches being made in swing states. I noticed that L.U.L.A.C. just endorsed Kamala Harris and the article I read stated that this endorsement is rare for the organization to do. I know about Latino fascism, and I have written about it. Most recently the other day in writing about a dictator of El Salvador who held power for 12 years and he was a man of color.

The voters have to wake up. What woke? Si, se puede. Yeh man!

All voters, all ethnic groups, all minorities and majorities. All of this has to be done by social media to better inform the American public. Take the A.F.T. or American Federation of Teachers of the U.F.T. or United Federation of Teachers and I am a member of both as a retired teacher (retired in 2000). Those unions and organizations must join the movement. And I am prepared to explain much more to Kamala Harris, Tim Waltz and others right now.

The next 85 days before the November Election are like 85 seconds to keep FASCISM away from US that will help the world.