What will happen next and how long is this going to make important news. Colin Kaepernick kneeled during The National Anthem and what Simone Biles has done is different, but it is significant.
Why is it significant? For various reasons including the attack on a comment made by a “huge” American symbol. Donald Trump. And I read that Lebron James commented his support for Simone. Does anyone know about the treatment for a play that I wrote where Colin Kaepernick coughs up Emile Zolá to help the United States fight for justice against Donald Trump and his party. And knowing the symbolism and history of Paris, France in the 1890s as that great French writer exposed the military and the French people makes me wonder if Simone Biles and her fans know about that history including its racism.
Here we go
Jews, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, and supporters were depicted in art that I have known about for about 40 years.
And King
The painting of a Jew represented that take over of France by the Jews that was being announced in the press and in the streets and schools. King of France. Or in the current vocabulary “Jews will not replace us.” This was Paris, France and its regions where the miliary framed one Jew and across the nation the entire Jewish people was framed as there were years of attacks on Jews. That legacy continues even today in French politics. All those paintings must be shown across our nation and the world, and the collection is available at Duke University and elsewhere, The Musée des Horreurs is the name to search online. Ooo la la!
The Dreyfus Affair.
Emile Zolá chose the newspaper L’Aurore to make his comments.
And he would take his fight into court to expose the truth.
Kaepernick chose a football game and the playing of our national anthem to make his point about injustice.
Simone Biles chose the greatest moment of them all (she is the GOAT) at the worldwide summer Olympic Games, wrapped with joy in the nation that she represents (the United States), with the greatest press coverage imaginable.
Where is all of this going? Who knows and it probably will depend on Simone and Lebron and American politics. It might end just as fast as it happened. We will see.
I had been thinking about Jesse Owens this week along with Berlin in 1936 and Munich in 1972. Jesse Owens did not get help from Democrats in getting work after being an American hero at the Olympic games. He joined the Republican Party at a time when Dr. Mary McCleod Bethune joined with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, entering what is called his “Black cabinet.” President Roosevelt was ready to use the American purse to help people out of The Great Depression while Republicans called for charity. Jews were a “huge” target in those days and The New Deal was called “The Jew Deal.” Jackie Robinson became a Republican or was one and he went to work for Chock Full of Nuts in New York City. The Republican platform calling for segregation in 1964 was not his cup of tea.
I must tell you more about the book. Nathan Rothschild was depicted as a dog on one page and on the next page are photos of Alfred Dreyfus being restored to the French military in 1906 (his conviction and harsh sentencing was in 1894).
Also in the news and on my mind are Sid Rosenberg and Donald Trump and how they referred to Democrats who are Jewish as “crappy Jews.” This “crappy Jew” wrote about The Dreyfus Affair in Jewish Business News in Israel while Trump was in office. Trump has done to lots of people what the French did to Dreyfus, the Jews, and their supporters.
Deport the Jews, take away their jobs and businesses, fight like hell against them, and much more was taking place. And this “Black jobs” comment was actually consistently Trump who has repeatedly played the “race” card along with smiling Tim Scott. Will Tim Scott and others attack Simone Biles whose iconic moments have been photographed. Her comments were a shot at Trump’s ears and his “iconic” moment in Butler, Pa. The battle for the Black vote goes on and most Americans need to learn much more about history.
With France struggling under attacks to its rail and communications system, it was a great relief to know that its government was not in the hands of the right-wing as the center and left united to block the right. I watched a superficial reporting of the Simone Biles news on CBS. What will be the next step for Simone Biles, Senators Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott and other elected officials across America. Trump showed his usual weakness, but it still remains to be seen what will take place not that Simone Biles has commented. I love my Jewish job.
And is the news about Simone Biles going to die out?