But all signs point to Oliver Krvaric, a young Republican star and scion of a powerful GOP family from San Diego has been called a “Trump staffer” in news that links him to January 6, 2021 at the Capitol and the “insurrection.” Krvaric was working for the Office of Personnel Management in the capacity to rid federal agencies of certain diversity and inclusion training.
This young man’s family hails from Sweden, but I found that the name hails from Croatia. I remind myself that the Trump’s hailed from Germany, but it has been reported that father Fred used to tell Jewish people that he was Swiss. I wonder what college this young man has attended? And it has been reported that the investigators have linked him with antisemitic websites.
It makes me think more and express myself more knowing that the Trump Administration was after DEI or Diversity Equity and Inclusion and that meant that Congresswomen Foxx, Stefanik, and others followed the lead or was it Trump following them? So answering yes or no about genocide was something that was not there all along. The goal of those people in Congress is to attack DEI as I have recently mentioned in my blog. And wealthy donors jumped all over DEI as soon as President Magill resigned. I wish she would return soon.
Nikki Haley did not answer a question about slavery one day and did the next. She then blamed Joe Biden without any evidence. I was thinking about Joe Biden and I expect Republicans to soon tell US that Biden was involved in the plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.
I have reported that Lindsay Graham, Alec Baldwin, the 3 presidents of Ivy League schools did not answer “yes or no.” Liz Magill resigned from U. Penn. Shouldn’t Nikki Haley resign from the presidential campaign?
I had to go back to the Fox News presentation of a “good” university. Ari Berman, the president of Yeshiva University came on to talk about Jewish students should speak out. Berman spoke out about universities that had to being involved in “seeking truth” and “protecting students.” He used that term “lack of moral clarity”, and the “Intimidation” can be reported. He talked about Jewish students who feel “uncomfortable” to report things under the Clery Act.
The Fox News host was talking about forgetting World War II history and President Berman chose to talk about his son being in the IDF in which he pointed out that is okay to protest for Palestinian rights but supporting Hamas (and what it has done) should not be supported by students on campus. There was no comment about World War II. And Berman called for all people including Palestinians to come together in peace and to defeat Hamas.
I chose to research the Clery Act and the closest thing to helping a student that feels “UNCOMFORTABLE” is about stalking. There was nothing about reporting another person’s “free speech.” That act was enacted in 1990.
I found that two or more acts are required that would make a “reasonable person to fear for her, his, or others’ safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.” You can see right away that pursuing this matter could take time because two or more acts are needed.
It would have been helpful if President Berman had come on the “News” with an example that could be researched about free speech such as “From the River to the Sea.” I read about various universities that were fined substantial amounts of money for not following the Clery Act.
There is even information where students might not be arrested for crimes and then disciplined according to the Student Code of Conduct. And the word “intentional” must be considered as well, since anyone saying the things in question would have to be culpable by intent or the context of the message.
I went to the website of Emory College where Professor Deborah Lipstadt worked before becoming the Special Envoy to Fight Antisemitism. I found this under the Clery Act.” • Intimidation (only report if incident is or may be a hate crime) – to unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm using threatening words and/or other conduct, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.”
Professor Lipstadt talks about “context and proportionality.”
Example: if a high school student who is drawing swastikas doesn’t even know the meaning of it and there was an incident at Emory.
She points out, too, that people who express the idea that antisemitism at Emory was high cannot produce examples other than the graffiti incident. And her term that antisemitism was small is clearly explained and she points out that it has to be dealt with or that the university has to take action.
What I wish to see now is that the public should be told how many incidents have been recorded and sent to the Department of Education and of what severity (small or other). I cannot say that things have gone too far because we need evidence to know. And once we know the quantity and severity of the incidents, I would like to see Congresswoman Stefanik read off the numbers on national television if those numbers are small. The information about Emory and the fraternity can be read starting on page 225 in Antisemitism: Here and Now.
And with that said, for now, students on campus know that what took place on October 7 and the attack by Israel against Hamas has made things proportionally worse to deal with. The right-wing media has contributed to it as well. The students feel more “uncomfortable” and there is probably more to write about which would have to come from experts.
I should remind many and inform others of an elected official who was under investigation for sexual harassment which included allegations of improper touching and making women feel “uncomfortable.” And I am referring to a law that the elected official had signed into law himself. The investigation took place, and the case was dropped.
Donald J. Trump wants immunity for everything that he did in office. Would most women grant him immunity if he had raped someone? Immunity from prosecution, he wants. Bill Clinton had his sex problem as you recall. Rape is on the minds of Israelis as rape was part of the October 7 Massacre in Palestine. Rape is always horrific, and I have learned about that subject in history and there should be no immunity. Immunity from crimes committed by a U.S. president is wrong.
Ye or Kanye West just made an apology for his antisemitism. He learned what he should have known after he appeared on The Breakfast Club. He got in trouble after that. He learned not to diminish an entire people due to problems with some individuals of that group (ethnic, religious, etc.). I wonder if he has really learned to control himself.