Navalny-Trump Prisoners (Political)

Navalny is in the news, and he was not sent to Mar-A-lago or any place like it. Soviet history which is communist history tells US that the place to be is in Siberia. Just the name sends chills down my spine. But Navalny was not sent to Mar-A-lago nor to Siberia. He is the Arctic right now. He was sent to the harshest of the Gulags that many call “Polar Wolf.” They said Monday that he had been traced to a prison colony infamous for severe conditions in the Yamalo-Nenets region, 1,200 miles northeast of Moscow. “I am your new Santa Claus,” Navalny said in a tweet, in prison in the town of Kharp.

Trump is in sunny Palm Beach or any place he wants to be. And he blames things in this country on communists, socialists, and people who hate America. If people who hated America were in power, he might have been sent to the severe Yamalo-Nemets region north of Moscow. Putin would have sent him north, way north, if Trump had attempted to deny the election results in Russia the way he did.  His arrest is called a “witchhunt.”

Come to think of it, it would have been amazing to see the presidential campaign without Trump. Haley, Christie, DeSantis, Scott, Ramaswamy, and others. Would DeSantis be in the lead right now? Would Haley be doing much better in her home state of South Carolina? Would Christie be running on his record as governor of New Jersey?

Can you picture Trump in that white polo and the red hat in Kharp and a team of Republican women warning up his balls as he prepares to hit a 600 yard drive.?

Trump said he was good a making deals and he was put in charge of trade. Remember China and the tariffs? This is what was written negatively about what Trump did in May of 2021. The decline in stock market value caused by trade war announcements “amounted to a $3.3 trillion loss of firm value (equivalent to 16% of U.S. GDP [Gross Domestic Product] in 2019).” This comes from Forbes Magazine. It was also pointed out that Trump’s tariffs protected inefficient American industries. And that the above information was bad for workers who expected to get higher wages. Trump “inflicted significant damage” by his policies.

I have a trade idea. We should trade Navalny for Trump before January 6, 20204 which would be the third anniversary of Trump’s attempt to over our government and impose martial law. And keeping in mind the war going on between Russia and Ukraine and hoping for the best outcome for Ukraine, which Trump would not agree with (and he did his best to undermine Ukraine), maybe Putin will make the “trade” part of the settlement of the war that he started about two years ago. I have called for the “unconditional surrender” of Russia and my conclusion is that Trumpsky belongs in the “Polar Wolf.”

And a bit more about our economy before Joe Biden.

But the Commerce Department data released Friday showed U.S. exports to China in 2020 were well below the goal set in Trump’s “Phase One” trade deal with the Asian powerhouse, even though they picked up sharply in the final months of the year.

U.S. goods exports to China

2017 about $130 billion

2020 about $110 billion

He was making America great with those losses

U.S. service losses

2017 $55 billion

2020 $28 billion

Another great example of how he made America great or kept America great

Republicans do not want you to know these things as the campaign heats up.

These are the countries that benefitted from the Trump trade war with China.

Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Russia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Switzerland

And in late 2020, China increased its exports to the United States substantially as well.

These are things that even Democrats have to know and to inform their constituents. Otherwise, the public will only be thinking of things like Trump replacing Obama Care on day one in 2025, we’re building that wall of great American steel (or any newly invented material, the Democrats are corrupt (when it was Trump winning one of the lone categories in politics, Biden is weak, and how Trump saved Christmas by not saying “Happy Holiday” while saving Christianity.