The title suggests that the congresswoman may be a crook. I had to share that upfront. I just read an article in the Staten Island Advance about Malliotakis and the Trump comparison to Hitler regarding the “poisoning our blood (immigrants doing the poisoning).” It would be awesome if some reporter would ask the congresswoman if she is a crook and provide a “yes or no” answer without any explanation. I cannot get the presidents of the Ivy League schools out of mind.
And here I am at home, sitting at my computer and repeating those words uttered in the past and popularized by Rich Little. Who is Rich Little you may ask. He gave US a great performance, contorting his face on television shows and speaking those famous words “I am not a crook.” Do you know now? What? It wasn’t in your history classes at school? My spell check did not understand the inflection in my voice and thought I was making a statement.
Nicole Malliotakis and her own squad of Repugnicans got together the other day to make a statement which compared the treatment of Donald J Trump to what the communists have done around the world. Although that allegation is so far from the truth, we have to look much more deeply at things. History matters!
She kind of wiped-out what Richard Nixon did (he is the I am not a crook guy). Nixon just resigned because there was evidence against him. Donald J Trump has blamed communists and fascists for the downfall of our nation. Fascists fought the communists and Hitler and Mussolini gave a warning to the world in Spain before Kristallnacht took place. How many people have to speak out about the Repugnicans and fascism before the job gets done by the people in our elections?
I went through seven pages of internet searches to find a source like The National Review (conservative) to see if that title would come up. It didn’t. I chose The Library of Congress to post this here. I am not a crook. See!
It is time for congress members like Malliotakis to be called to a hearing where college presidents and historians can ask them questions and demand from them to answer questions with a “yes or no” answer. Justice! Justice! Justice!
Nixon resigned. Trump should have resigned. Malliotakis should consider that for herself.
Do young Americans know about Eugene McCarthy who was a U.S. Senator during the 1950s? He was pretty much cancelled by his own party for his repugnance, but times have changed. Find out about his testimony in senate hearings and what led to his downfall.