The Daily News

I had just looked at the article by Cayla Bamberger of the New York Daily News about the principal of Hillcrest High School who was under fire, particularly after 400 students walked out of class into the halls as they protested a teacher who they found out was supportive of Israel (and not Palestine or not neutral). I jumped to see a poll of Palestinians about Hamas and 72 percent of Palestinians polled answered in favor of the conflict with Israel.

I had just published an article showing that the Anti-Defamation League had shown that almost 100 percent of Palestinians polled by them antisemitic on different levels. This public information is bound to impact on the students in Hillcrest High School. Ivy League indoctrination in favor of Palestine? I think not. This kind of thing has been going on for many decades among Muslims and their supporters and even at a time when Harvard and other colleges were conservative.

This got my attention in The New York Daily News article. “The chancellor is also forming an interfaith advisory group to guide its response, he announced to the panel,” Bamberger wrote. The advisory group and the entire school and community have to learn much more about what is going on. Will Chancellor Bank take action to share this information or not? A Yes-No answer is needed.

And speaking about a yes-no answer. Lindsay Graham fell into that category as he was asked on the news about Donald Trump and “the contamination of our blood” also now known as the “poisoning.” Trump is doing another goose-stepped march against immigrants. Before it was Mexico which was not sending US its best people and now they’re coming to America (Neil Diamond?) from Africa, Asia, South America, and other places and Biden is corrupt. And this time he left out something. Do you know what it is? I noticed it. Senator J.D. Vance and others have defended repugnant Trump on television. This time Trump did not say that “some” of the immigrants are good, meaning most of them are bad. And that statement by Trump was false, but the goose-stepping was copied by his supporters, or he copied the goose-stepping from them.

I wonder what the plan of action is for that “interfaith advisory group.” Do they know that the recent poll approved of what Hamas did in attacking on October 7? If this situation is going to be resolved and resolved peacefully, a lot of history and current events must be taught to those students. And the word is out that “peaceful solutions” now are not possible because of the Israeli Gaza attack.

Do you think that any of my ideas should be shared by The New York Daily News and other newspapers and news media in New York City?

Let’s get away from the past and current events and look at the future. New York City has loads of problems. I can see Curtis Sliwa, Lee Zeldin, Councilwomen Paladino, Vernikov, Councilmen Borelli, Carr, and Congresswoman Malliotakis creating a curriculum about immigrants in New York City called They’re Poisoning our Blood under School’s Chancellor Rudi Giuliani. Giuliani heard the name Black Lives Matter and called it “racist” instead of racial. Zeldin does not reside in the city, but I chose to place him on the committee anyway. At that time, there might be no need for The New York Daily News and maybe Cayla will go back to the New York Post. Hi Cayla!

Would it be too much to ask a small favor of the leaders of NYC right now and ask those people to answer “yes or no” to the question “Will you denounce Donald Trump for saying that the immigrants are poisoning our blood.” Our blood he said, but my blood is part of our blood, and I would never even think that. Of course, I am thinking about Liz Magill, Sally Kornbluth, Claudine Gay, and Congresswoman Stefanik while thinking of the reinstatement of Magill at U. Penn. Has anyone seen my article about the Jewish people and immigration? Click! I have a correction to make in the title. And who will be the mayor of New York working alongside those people? Think about that. I don’t know, but Trump could lease an apartment to Herschel Walker.