Texas Law Enforcement and Locking Up Jews Crossing the Borderand New Law About Going After the Asylum Seekers

Hebron-like Violence Throughout Israel

Posted May 15, 2021

When Ted Cruz spoke out about a relationship with Israeli scientists in the fight against COVID-19, just over a year ago I wrote do not collaborate with Israeli labs, but it would be okay to set something up in Indiana. The goal was to prevent US from obtaining badly needed vaccines without an interruption by Israeli violence or even war. That alone should disqualify Cruz from any office that involves foreign affairs.

And now back in 2022, I am not anti-Semitic or anti-Israel. My concern was for Americans to have uninterrupted access to vaccines due to war. And that was way before the war in Ukraine caused by Putin. Can you imagine what would have happened if Russia had been our supplier of vaccines and other drugs? I wrote “Indiana” since it is far into the interior of the United States and not a seaport since along either coast. How do you think I did?

And today in 2023, we can go back to the first Trump campaign to see how he raised hostility toward immigrants crossing the Southern border as he said that a border officer told him about the rapists and criminals coming across that border. And even as important is that rockets have been fired at Israel and it was reported that there was a hit of its missile arsenal (but not its nuclear warheads). Read on and do you think that I saw it coming?

Then he painted a racist (not racial) picture in the White House when he spoke about “shithole” countries and his preference for bringing in Norwegian types.

And then he set up an immigration policy that Hitler and his men could have set up which I will reveal shortly. Do not miss the part about 147,000 Jews. You will read selected portions of that 2019 article. And yes I sensed trouble more than four years ago.

Never Never Again

Posted August 4, 2019

This is the essence of Simon Wiesenthal and not what you will hear from Jewish leaders close to Trump.

“The schools would fail through their silence, the Church through its forgiveness, and the home through the denial and silence of the parents. The new generation has to hear what the older generation refuses to tell it.”  This is a Wiesenthal quote that I found.  I realized that this is going on across America with most of Trump’s evangelicals and others and it’s great to read it so simply expressed for the first time.  Trump is failing America and even now we are reminded that in a nation where economics count, there has been no federal increase in the minimum wage for the longest period in our history.   The Repugnican plan is to do less, not more.  And that is precisely why Trump was selected.

I portrayed Trump as Hitler and Mussolini and I’ve done that in Jewish Business News in Israel.  I am careful to separate the periods of Hitler’s rise to power and the Holocaust.  Ocasio-Lopez could have done a better job, but she is little Quixote fighting for people.  And Fox News is happy to talk about a Repugnican congressman who is now talking about the humanitarian crisis at the border.  This is the same congressman who fought for Trump’s wall at the expense of immigrants and the taxpayers and federal employees who got locked out because of Trump.  Well, it’s better late than ever when people fight to alleviate conditions at the border after Trump made them worse.  And he has made things worse for Mexico’s people at the same time.  That’s two with one blow!  Ocasio-Lopez does not have to apologize and neither does Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center.  This is normal political discourse and even Donald Trump was not required to pay Senator Elizabeth Warren for being Native-American.  It’s called normal political discourse.  The rabbi has not convinced the congresswoman and most of the nation has not convinced Trump to just leave office.  I even heard one Fox commentator say that the congresswoman should apologize to all Jews.  What?  Check this out.  And check this out! Here you see that a suicide is a suicide is a suicide.  These camps have had lots in common and why not start there?  And if 147,000 Jews were trying to cross the border right now, I would hope that many Jews would change their tune.  From denunciation to condemnation to action! George Takei of Star Trek fame says he was in two concentration camps in America.  He was born in 1937 and was interned with his family during World War II.

And thinking about Trump’s latest speech about “contamination of American blood” and having written about that Hitler theme in Jewish Business News before publishing here, I did not read Mein Kampf either (another Trump excuse for his fascism).  And here we should ask Congresswoman Malliotakis, who on Fox News, defended Trump by raising the point that he was talking about the fentanyl traffic.  Trump in defending himself did not make that claim. Resign and take Stefanik and Foxx along with you.

Trump and Hitler! America and Austria!

Posted September 11, 2019

In Austria 1938, the effort to gain a visa was full of the most horrendous, time consuming tiers of things that had to be done.  There was fraud involved and often Jews who had gone through many of the procedures had to begin all over.  The level of desperation was heightened by Hitler’s procedures.  There was a certificate of fiscal harmlessness, then payments, then a visit to obtain a certificate of domicile, then a visit to the district commissioner’s department in the town hall, then a visit to the Accountancy Department of the central tax office and the district tax office, then to step two if the person had the money to pay for the emigration tax, then a visit to a place where the Jew’s assets were released and a certificate of good conduct was issued, that’s when Jew’s could be forced to start all over as they could be assigned by the Nazis to clean up things and lose their turn, then to stage three where to obtain a passport which involved being interrogated at a police station, and then on to two other offices that Jews dreaded to go to.  And finally Jews had to swear that they were never going to return to Austria.  And Trump is for extreme vetting.  Where did he learn it from?

My readers know that I share things that I have learned to inform the world and Texas is on my mind right now because of Governor Abbott and his legislature. The architect of Trump’s immigration policy at the border should not be close to power. We know from word spread by Miller’s family that he did not learn from Jewish history and lots of repugnant Jews followed him under Heil Trump or Let Trump Be Trump.

Organizations and the government of Mexico have been in the news about taking the State of Texas into court. I would hope also that the leading candidate of the party in power to succeed Lopez Obrador will speak out with the same intensity that I do. Ella es judía!

In 2004 at a Latino Conference of the NY State Legislature (Somos El Futuro), I spoke out about learning that there were undocumented Jews in the United States in the 1940s. I imagined that some of them might have crossed our Southern border. Not a single Hispanic came to me to thank me for speaking up. Not a single one! I had already started to achieve great momentum and was nicknamed “El Quijote del GED” at that time. Those Hispanics were slow to learn. This is a moment where our entire nation has to learn from my words and ideas. Even back then, I had an article published about amnesty for immigrants in El Líder USA in Dallas, Texas.

Here is part of my first article in Jewish Business News in Israel.

Donald Trump Belongs In Hebron, Not In America

By Martin Danenberg January 1, 2018

I can be neutral, Donald Trump told an audience during an MSNBC town hall, and I sat in disbelief as I read about it.  This was February 2016.  Then he said he was looking at a one state and two state solution.  Then his administration said that Israel should stop announcing new settlements which could deter his peace effort in February 2017.  And then came the knockout of peace as he declared that he will move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem.  Can Trump ever be trusted to bring about peace?  Can others in the United States bring about peace?  Donald Trump is in deep trouble and he is someone who should have been disqualified by humanity from running.

This is what you must know about Jews in America, of course not all Jews.  Sheldon Adelson and his associates truly have done more for Israel than I have, but lots of truths must be exposed and you will learn more right now.  It is my hope that people all over the world can benefit from the information.  So there is a great divide among Jews and perhaps that divide is much more pronounced in the United States where about seventy percent of Jewish-Americans did not vote for Trump.

And I say to Texans right now and Abbott supporters that Abbott belongs in Hebron not America.

And how many times has the Great MAGA Wall of Trump been cut so wide open that thousands of people can quickly and easily pass into our nation? How many times? Was this only the very first time?  Has Texas been hiding truth that has been announced on Fox News?

I had two things on my mind last night and one of them was the big gap cut into the wall in Arizona where 4,500 immigrants passed through, and Fox News reported that those people were waiting in line to be arrested by authorities there. Imagine Fox News telling the world that part of the problem is the wall that Trump fought for is not working. Of course, the blame is put on liberals, Democrats, socialists, and communists for what is taking place. But it’s just another Trump bankruptcy taking place. And irrational Republicans will not change their minds. I am certain that Democrats who do not know what Fox News did will soon find it politically interesting and do something about making it known throughout our nation.

Does it really matter if the border is open or not as they cut through that great American steel that Trump talked about at the border. Did I spell bankruptcy correctly? No bipartisan solution has worked until now and we have to see just what is going to take place to secure the border. Whatever happened before is history and the new reality is that people can cut though the steel and make their way across the USA. Would someone tell Trump about all this? Happy New Year!

And finally, about Jews crossing our border. I wish to know more. There are lots of Jews in Israel (and in places where war is taking place right now). Many Jews in Israel are American citizens, but others are not. My thoughts should be with the Jewish people right now. And I have started to learn more about the Jews of Texas including Galveston being its Ellis Island. And there has been a large increase recently in Texas of antisemitic incidents.