The Palestine Problem in the SNCC Newsletter (June-July 1967 published in Atlanta) contained this.
“recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine only a few years before to escape persecution in Europe and had been welcomed by the native Palestinian Arab people with open arms, living in peace side-by-side with the Arabs?”
There was a cartoon depicting Jews as controlling the world with their money (Star of David and the dollar sign inside it).
The Rothschild’s were mentioned.
Did those people who published the news know about antisemitic tropes? Did they understand antisemitism? Were they biased and did they hate Jews?
Look again at the welcoming arms of the Palestinian people before 1948.
67 Orthodox Jews were massacred in Hebron, Palestine in 1929 which was the same year of the Tulsa Massacre, Oklahoma, USA.
Then about two decades later, Arabs were massacred by Jews in Deir Yassin.
That article in the SNCC Newsletter also correctly mentioned that some Jews are opposed to the State of Israel. Since there is no supporting information, my first thought was that it referred to Satmar Jews who still oppose the creation of the State of Israel on biblical grounds. It could also be that communists influenced SNCC since a careful reading of the Soviet Union would confirm that its leaders often did not wish for its citizens to emigrate and be influenced by the Western world. It would take more research to learn more than that.
Black leaders, A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin supported Israel beyond 1967. Other civil rights leaders did the same including John Lewis, Jackie Robinson, the NAACP’s Roy Wilkins and the National Urban League’s Whitney Young.
And several groups have gone to see for themselves what is going on in Gaza and many come to the conclusion “when I see them, I see us.” Black solidarity with Palestine has grown for sure since the early days just mentioned.
The Black Lives Movement in 2016 called Israel an “apartheid” state and I know it was on its website because I was told by N.A.A.C.P.’s Washington Bureau that it had urged the movement to remove it.
I can tell you this about those days. By 1970 in NYC teachers were teaching that Columbus did not discover America since the Norsemen were clearly here long before that. We also taught that Europe lived in the “Dark Ages” while Africa had knowledge and lived in enlightenment. People around our nation may not believe that.
I found an article in The Forward where the Malcolm X comments about Jews appeared. His comments are from 1963. which was before the 1967 War that involved Israel and Arab nations. Considering the success of Malcolm X after his death, would it be a surprise that a significant portion of the African American community would not support Israel and Jews? There are presentations on You Tube that can easily influence people to be pro-Palestinian because of references to Malcolm X. And lots of You Tube presentations that never mention the violence committed by Arabs against Jews in Palestine over the decades leading up to 1948.
Malcolm X denied that “his organization” is antisemitic. It’s interesting that Malcolm X did not answer “yes or no” as I sit here thinking about three Ivy League school presidents. Malcolm did say this, “Many Jews have guilt feelings when people talk about ‘exploitation.’
He referred to 90 percent of businesses in black neighborhoods being owned by Jews. He also commented about Jews being on the board of the N.A.A.C.P. and not seeing Black people acting as heads of Jewish organizations.
That information came from an article in 2013. I got involved in 2006 with the Washington Bureau of the N.A.A.C.P. and my articles about that appear in Jewish Business News in Israel. COVID-19 interrupted my close relationship with that civil rights organization. And no, I didn’t get COVID.
And as I did my research, I noticed more arrests taking place, thinking of those 3 Ivy League presidents. The arrests are taking place against supporters of both sides who are doing things beyond free speech. The latest arrest that I noticed was an assault on a member of the Democratic Party by a pro-Palestinian protester. People who violate the space and property of others are being arrested. I was thinking about how members of the N.A.A.C.P. got arrested in the office of Senator Jeff Sessions in Mobile, Alabama before the senator was sworn in as attorney general in the Trump Administration. I had nothing to do with the arrest, well not exactly. Just do a search of Jeff Sessions in the search engine at the bottom of this page.
The Lower East Side (LES now) experienced fighting between Puerto Ricans and Eastern Europeans (Jews or Ukrainians?). 1968
Location 9th Street and Avenue C
four police cars would end up getting destroyed
13 arrests were made
the next night on July 24, 400 police officers would be deployed 600 people would show up with the crowds being angry at the conduct of the police
the police would receive gunfire and have bottles thrown at them
police officers and firefighters would be wounded that night
during July 27, a peace march would be held
Several years later, a student in class spoke about a clothing store called Ox Brothers that had been burned down during the riots on the LES. I corrected his comment. You see the store in question was Fox Brothers and the F had been burned off.
We can return now to the current situation and look at our nation’s campuses. Again, look at Fox News and just how it orchestrated opposition to the Ivy League schools. Take a close look and remove the F from Fox News (Ox). You have read about things that were generated decades ago and are still active today. The 1967 War in the Middle East impacted on US. Now the current war is impacting. It is impacting. And I will show what we know from the Anti-Defamation League’s 2019 report about antisemitism among Muslims in other nations to make an important point.
Take a look at the Muslim population in the USA that I just found
1970 0.49 percent of the US population 1,026,373 people
2020 2.38 percent of the US population 7,991,968 people
Now look at Anti-Defamation League statistics
93 percent in Gaza and the West Bank
74 percent in Saudi Arabia
92 percent in Iraq
53 percent Senegal
32 percent Bangladesh
And there are nations where the antisemitism in in the teens
Are you going to hear about that on-Ox News? You can see that many immigrants have arrived here with pre-conceived attitudes about Jews and did not need to be told by professors in the universities.
In Europe, the average index is 49 percent as of 2019 which was a reduction from 2017 55 percent. Education and integration matter.
Travel bans on countries until 2020 were sometimes enacted where Muslims had low percentages of antisemitism compared to Christians (Tanzania).
I was reading about the antisemitism being experienced in Texas last night and right now there is an article online about pro-Palestinian efforts in Houston. Again, there is no Ivy League campus in Texas for Sean Hannity to shout out about.