Sean Hannity, Cornel West, and Alan Dershowitz proposed a debate at Harvard University weeks ago. A lot has happened since, and I decided to go back seven years to the debate between West and Dershowitz which was held in Dallas.
The debate featured two sides which were moral and legal, but Dershowitz did also make moral claims as he called BDS immoral and pointing out that it would lead to the suffering of the Palestinian people.
West was loud and clear as he asked for people to tell the truth. He fell far short of telling the truth. And West must have known something or felt it strongly as he said that BDS is the last non-violent effort. There probably will be other non-violent efforts for the Palestinians, but this moment in history is horrific.
This debate was filled with comments about occupation, apartheid, a two-state solution, Nazi boycott of Jews, 500 Palestinian children killed and no indignation from elected officials, targeting of civilians in general, changing view of former Soviet Jews whose children have become more liberal, Marshall Plan for Palestine provided by Arab nations, South Africa, and mistreatment of Black people in history including slavery and Jim Crow. There was more, but the truth was incomplete.
Although the Arab movement was correctly tied to Nazism by Dershowitz, more could have been done by him and West. The truth did not start in 1948 as West portrays it along with lots of people providing that kind of misinformation on the internet. Why is it that 67 Jews were massacred, I have asked several times before, at a moment when the Tulsa (Oklahoma) massacre took place? And that was four years before Hitler came into power. Does West know about this? And why hasn’t Dershowitz cited the killing of 67 innocent religious Jews in Hebron? And Cornel West said that even after 2,000 years of pogroms that the BDS movement is needed.
Professor Deborah Lipstadt in her book Antisemitism: Here and Now points out that BDS is designed to “toxify” Israel. University staff should read that chapter to understand concepts to share with others. And both West and Dershowitz should respond as well since Dershowitz is one of the key lawyers who gave support to Donald Trump in his four years in the White House. Will Hebron and Tulsa appear in any talk or debate involving Cornel West in the future? Does Dershowitz’s new book contain the facts as I have presented them? And Professor Lipstadt states for everyone including Jews who support BDS this “They may not be antisemites, but they facilitate it. On the other hand, I wouldn’t consider them antisemitic.” Dershowitz has been hanging around and helping Donald Trump for years and Professor Lipstadt writes in her book that Trump is an “enabler” of antisemitism. And Trump is getting worse every day. The Nazi ideology that he is bringing into the campaign has been written about and the latest is about “bad Blood” arriving with those immigrants at the border. President Biden has correctly denounced Trump and I call for action against Trump right now. Trump is making the lives of immigrants unsafe by his comments, and he knows that.
And I just noticed Fox News where it interviewed people in a restaurant in Bay Shore, New York. He spoke about how he had previously spoken to most of the people that he put on television. Do I have to repeat that he had previously talked to (propaganda). There is a big difference between asking people at a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade what they think of the parade and putting people on a program the way that this was done without any balance whatsoever from an opposing view. I would like to see other news networks go to the same restaurant in Bay Shore and interview several people at random without having prior conversations with them. Hitler would have been proud of the news I watched.
And to people on all the colleges and the news media, let us look back to Fox News and Sean Hannity who made it appear that America is okay, but those Ivy League schools are the problem because they are left wing, liberal, communist, socialist, and other things. In the last weeks, antisemitism (and Islamophobia have advanced everywhere and not just in some college campuses. Fox News does not understand what is going on. The people involved lack knowledge. And I wonder what Hannity has been doing with the debate idea that he advanced when West and Dershowitz were on his show? Dershowitz pointed out the Nazi origins of the problem and on campus it has to be much more than left wingers provoking the antisemitism. Why not ask Dershowitz for an explanation since he knows that the origin of the Palestinian hate for Jews included Hitler and the Haj Amin al-Husseini working together. Can we agree that like slavery in the USA and elsewhere that the original sin came before 1948 since the Hebron Massacre (1929) mentioned earlier and more including the so-called “colonization” of Palestine by England, Russia did not have the kind of support of commonly known colonization such as the development of the 13 colonies in the United States. Maybe Cornell West could elaborate on that? And tell the truth about what I call the “original sin.”
Contamination Of The White Race: Negro Blood In Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf about the contamination “by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe.” So from the Mississippi to the Rhine there was a major problem.
By Martin Danenberg August 15, 2018
Black Germans were placed in the same low-ranking group as Jews, Sini, and Roma (gypsies). And they did serve in the Wehrmacht and they joined the Hitler Youth.
Black soldiers in the allied forces were sometimes executed when they were captured. Although most were not executed, they were segregated from white captives and suffered harsher conditions. African Americans that were captured were among those people who suffered. African American prisoners were often worked to death as Jews were.
And from the Mississippi to the Rhine there are problems today, again. Actually, the problem is all over the United States and the border since Trump is not using Hitler’s formula against immigrants who have crossed our border. Jews, Black people, Hispanics, Muslims, and others will support Trump and let be Trump.
But to tell you the truth, Malcolm X was more on my mind than the West-Dershowitz debate. A great lawyer should never leave out critically important details in a case.