Chicago-New York News and more

Things could have been much better in our nation’s cities if Trump had funded the police and if the Secretary of Education had done things to combat the learning losses that I knew were going to take place (I think therefore I know). By May of 2020 Joe Biden was not sleepy Joe as he planned to build back better after taking office in January 2021. And in May of 2020, Trump had to have known that he was on course to lose because his top pollster saw the swing that month over to Biden.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot shouted out to parents to protect their children in Chicago, and she deserves a shoutout for that. Did I not write about those things in 2019, published them days ago, and made my ideas known to people in government in Chicago and New York? She did the right thing while others did not.

I read about a whistleblower in the Chicago Tribune who revealed reasons why the police in Chicago were “overwhelmed” by the hundreds or more youth that were together as violence erupted leading to shootings. A top official who would have been there was on “furlough” and the highest-ranking officer there was a lieutenant” when it was expected that someone higher would be in command. That is a warning for New York City since the police are on alert now in The Big Apple.  And there was talk about “rookies” on the job that were not well prepared.

And in New York City we have a mayor who is vegan and sometimes entering New York City is a man who probably left piece of special sauce, lettuce, cheese, and crumbs from a sesame seed bun in his desk drawer or closet in the Oval Office. Both are touting themselves as either a genius or as a highly educated person. They are what they eat! Mayor Eric Adams has to put that powerful message out to the parents the way that Mayor Lightfoot has done, and more is needed.

I did an outreach into Chicago yesterday that was different. The communication was excellent. I forgot to tell the person that I spoke with about meeting and speaking to Jesse Jackson at an immigrant rally in Washington, D.C. years ago. Marc Morial, Ben Jealous, and others were there that I introduced myself to.

In a previous article, I mentioned that Eric Adams ought to teach a GED class. A former teacher will become mayor of Chicago soon and those two men can share the instruction time. Online they can reach tens of thousands of at-risk youth, students who for the most part received free lunch in school, many of whom must have dyslexia and can be diagnosed as part of that effort (Chicago take note that Eric Adams has dyslexia and that he knows that 80 percent of the people in jail need a diploma and 66 percent have dyslexia). What would be the savings in municipal costs for such a project? Hundreds of millions!

It is known that lots of parents know that their children are in gangs. I would like to see parents getting involved and enrolling their loved ones in that GED class. I know four men who could teach lessons online along with the mayor because of their involvement in GED in the past. Let’s begin with Mike Tyson. Have you read about how I tried to help him when he was doing time in Indiana? Then there is Jay Z who I found out about a long time ago because of the Sean Carter Foundation and its charitable purpose. And Jay Z partners with Meek Mill in criminal justice reform with earning a GED as part of their campaign. And how about getting a lesson from a man who paid for parents to take the GED in Akron, Ohio? Wouldn’t it be great to Zoom with perhaps the GOAT of the NBA, Lebron James, who was just mentioned. All those men could alerted to this project immediately. I can get that done by myself, but my readers know that nobody listens to me. Mmm. If Lebron hits 13 field goals in 22 attempts, what is his shooting percentage? Would that kind of math problem be allowed into classrooms in Florida under Ron DeSantis?

Get our nation’s youth to put down the guns and pick up the books to study now. Maybe “Iron Mike” can knock some sense into their heads? Please check out my article about Joe Frazier looking out for people, looking out for me in Philadelphia. Did I actually write knock some sense into their heads?

Then I read about Donald Trump, the stable infant. He wants to set up tent cities for the homeless or put them in jail. Jail will cost the taxpayers about a half a million dollars per person annually, so you know that he is not sincere about the jail part. He would put all Democrats and others who are not loyal to him either in a tent city or on the street.  And I have read about people in Chicago who spoke about the need for protection, people who supported Paul Vallas in the recent election. I think about the elected officials and their appointees in Chicago and New York, and I really do not understand how anyone can tolerate Trump and his supporters after January 6, 2021. And that includes any and all of them who said that election of 2020 was stolen and continue to say it.  Those people have diminished our nation and weakened it.

What is going on in Chicago are things that have been going on for some time now, but the recent violence is an example of everything coming together at one time in one place. Did I not write in The Force 2020 DDT that students and others should be respectful when they enter bodegas and other stores and businesses? And before the pandemic here was my warning.

Bodega High School Equivalency

Posted December 18, 2019 

R-E-S-P-E-C-T For Everyone Everywhere

Bodega owners, the family of Sean Bell, and Profesor Martin Danenberg are proud to serve the community by announcing this very important educational initiative.

The Force 2020 DDT can be visited to obtain this information for your family, friends, and neighbors.

And the profesor says that we can help people in Spanish because profesor is Spanish. Bodega is Spanish! And I formed my own version of GED almost two decades ago on my way from Punta Cana to Santo Domingo. I coined the term la Generación de Educación y Deportes or GED, passing San Pedro de Macorís on the way. Deportes is sports in Spanish.

The photos in this article were taken at the 100th Anniversary Convention of the NAACP in New York City.