Hakeem Jeffries and His Uncle

I was at a demonstration to support Israel many years ago where Hakeem Jeffries spoke in support of Israel to a very large group of people near the United Nations. He did not speak to me saying that Israel was one of our best allies. He spoke to me as a Black man knowing this. There were (and still are) neighborhoods in Brooklyn and elsewhere that were “tough” neighborhoods to live in due to violence and that Israel, too, should be thought of the same way due to conflict (history and the present), violence, and terrorism. And we know from comments made about Jeffries that he is the type of leader that wishes to repair the world just the way it is the calling of Jewish people to do that. And there will be some news about our nation so let me add this. Donald Trump wants jobs seekers in the federal government to take a loyalty test to conservatism and he says he will act on that if he wins the presidency. For readers who do not know Hakeem Jeffries, he is a Congressman from Brooklyn, New York.

I just watched Malcolm X talk about the “house negro” who was getting today what back then we would call stock options and bonuses. And he pointed out in 1963 that those two groups still exist. After that, we know that African Americans went through lots of difficult years as some progress was made. The hateful statements attributed to Professor Leonard Jeffries including Jews “dogs” and other things took place in the 1990s. And there will be information included here about where things continued to go wrong after 2000 when I retired.

I can tell you also that the You Tube of Malcolm X made in 1963 is worth watching from the standpoint of learning about education. There were 20 million Black people at that time, and educational progress is something that Malcolm X addressed. More could have been done at that time and I have presented in another article that President John F. Kennedy wanted to get Martin Luther King, Jr. to focus on education at that time.

We know that Conservatives wish to destroy the federal government in lots of ways (education, environment, etc.). This effort by Trump will not destroy the federal government since it will be another chapter in the destruction of our nation and the world. And I can also share with you again this. Hitler’s men wanted to destroy Hollywood in the 1930s through a similar loyalty plan. What was happening was once a foreman was in place who was collaborating with the Nazis, the foreman would only hire others friendly to the Fuhrer. In that way just about anything that was going on in the industry would be immediately known and shared to stop any attempt to defeat the spirit of Nazism.

How many times have I chosen to write about the divisions among people including Jewish people? Have I not written that Hitler had Jewish friends? Have I not written about Yasser Arafat paying a shivah call to the wife of Yitzhak Rabin? Have I not written that just because Donald Trump has Jewish family that he cannot be or do antisemitic things? Much of this would be a great shock to non-secular Jews today, because we do have our divisions. We learned about the “house” negro and the “field” negro that Jeffries wrote about in a student newspaper in Binghamton, New York in the 1990s.

And we wish that more people would call out Minister Farrakhan. Farrakhan built his reputation back then on his words and his actions. How many Americans know that he rejected Donahue’s call to stop attacking the Jews on national television stating that he knew that after Jews (in relation) to Hitler that Black people were next. And today Minister Farrakhan is still doing his “Jewish thing” and it goes largely unreported in news around our nation.

We could learn more about Jeffries and his uncle by questioning the congressman. He has to have clear memories of many things, but just as we do there could be just “vague” recollection of things. Hakeem’s article could have been stimulated more just from other personal and educational experiences back then. The important thing right now is what I wrote about Hakeem Jeffries in the first paragraph and that he knows what to say and does things to protect Jews. There are several congressmen in New York that are known for that and others may either demonstrate those features less or are portrayed in the press for opposing Israel and not supporting Jews enough in this hour of need.

Knowledge is power and as I fight against things and what I just called “Little Nazi Germany” in one of my articles, I think about sharing more information about Jews and African Americans so people will be much better informed. Where are the Conservatives for wokeism right now? Where are the Black Conservatives for wokeism right now? Are they lined up fighting to bring slow progress to the United States and the world right now? Where were those people when our election was only inches away from being overthrown? And they should tell US what kind of dictatorship they had in mind for the days after January 6, 2021. And Conservative Jews, too, have to tell US about that. This repugnant effort to stop social justice has existed in Germany, the USSR, China, and the United States and social justice must march on toward victory.

Remember what I wrote three days before it happened?

Here it is again, published on January 3, 2021.

And of particular concern is that we see The Proud Boys attacking police, diminishing the “law and order” posture of Trump and Republicans. Mussolini came to power through men like that. “His attitudes were highly theatrical, his opinions were contradictory, his facts were often wrong, and his attacks were frequently malicious and misdirected; but his words were so dramatic, his metaphors so apt and striking, his vigorous, repetitive gestures so extraordinarily effective, that he rarely failed to impose his mood,” Britannica explains to US. Trump has had his most demonstrable training which is similar in the White House. During those days in Italy, left wing governments were prevented from taking power and there was broad support for nationalism and anti-Bolshevism (communism and socialism today). And this is what Mussolini declared in 1922 during a crisis “Either the government will be given to us, or we will seize it by marching on Rome.” Responding to his oratory the assembled Fascists excitedly took up the cry, shouting in unison “Roma! Roma! Roma!” All appeared eager to march. And now our eyes turn to Washington, C.! Washington, D.C.!, Washington, D.C.! in the next week or more before Inauguration Day. Italy was in crisis and about four days later King Victor Emmanuel III wrote to Mussolini and Mussolini was soon given dictatorial powers in 1922 and preceded Adolf Hitler’s taking over of Germany by about a decade.

I have told my readers that a communist could become a fascist within hours and vice versa. And I have explained that the United States history has elements of the worst behavior of both, Hitler learned much about our own racism before coming into power after his taking over of Germany. And the man was Austrian. Imagine that!

Republicans and their media often use immigrants who know about socialism and communism to add fuel to fire against the Democratic Party and it is apparent to me that those people either do not know or are holding back the truth of this nation’s xenophobia and racism. And today in our nation’s news out of the “great” state of Texas, a man was found guilty of spitting at a police officer and was given a prison sentence of 70 years (although the man had previous bouts with the law, but it seems the man was looking at a maximum sentence of 25 years). Stalin’s Russia could have done that even without the right to a fair trial (although I know that people were charged with things just like thinking about spitting at Stalin and received five-ten-twenty-year sentences). Let’s bring back all those men and women who supported all those news stories with half-truths. 

Hakeem Jeffries is doing his job right now and if we are going to make demands of him, we should demand of those Republicans and Conservatives to tell US more since I feel that Democrats were going to be diminished greatly and suffer the consequences of the overthrow of the Election of 2020 and the overthrow of our government and way of life. What have those people been thinking since Trump and his team finally acted on “The Election Was Stolen” at a time that even his own pollster knew months before the election that Trump could and would lose.

And in my readings recently (one completed and one I have been working on for several months), I can reveal that a member of a Jewish family in Greece betrayed his family and its faith and joined with The Gestapo. He was finally executed later on his trial had taken place. Jews have been divided is the key point to always keep an eye on.

And in that reading, I held back information that was not so critical, but I share it now in a sense of amusement. I wrote about Danone which soon entered the American market after World War II. The founder of that company was a Jewish man from Salonika in Greece (formerly Ottoman Turkey).

And getting back to that family in Greece, the DNA of the founding father and others showed up over the years as family members were attracted into the very same professions of the founders, high level government officials and other things. Among the other things was a female member of that family who had a role in one of the famous movies of all time alongside Sean Connery. Here I go feeling what Professor Louis Henry Gates feels on television. Turn the page of history of that family and see a cousin, a family member, next to James Bond. Pamela Salem O’Hagan was Miss Moneypenny and her name is only partially Sephardic as you can see. Many members of that Sa’adi family had settled in England and one made into the motion picture industry. She can be found online under Pamela Fortunee Salem which is a Sephardic name and she was born in Bombay, India in 1944.

So what happened to Leonard Jeffries who made big news in New York with his controversial thoughts and actions? Maybe the news media will inform US. I would say that nobody is going to hold Hakeem Jeffries accountable today for what his uncle did in the early 1990s. But I can be wrong! Just look at the extremism that I have mentioned in this article by people in power. I had better not think about applying for a federal job in 2025 if Thunderball Trump gets back in office.

And then there is that other book that I keep reading and reading and I have concluded about one thousand pages. A very conservative man held power in New York City and across the state. Most of the mayors in his day were Democrats, but they had to deal with him and his power. He tricked everyone into signing what had been almost total control that was granted to him. And today people in New York are still leaving  This is a man who clearly held the American people in contempt as he made deals that changed the way that the people of New York lived and travelled. But he held back so much truth in achieving his goals.

In a medical appointment just days ago, I was told how he destroyed Bronx neighborhoods. His achievements also included lots of racism, segregation, firing of thousands of workers that did not obey, crime that went unchecked, frustrated Long Island commuters that attacked police in midtown New York, and a new form of corruption. Democracy was on the surface, but underneath it all was one man whose quest for power helped ruin much of New York at the same time. I could write the name Donald Trump, but it was not that big liar. But it was someone just like him who, too, was called Hitler, Stalin, Nazi, and other such things in his time in New York (decades in the spotlight).

I write this so that my readers, in general, know about this. But specific attention to that material should be noted by the city council of New York and other elected officials across the state.

The discontent that erupted in the 1960s was in the making of New York long before that. I have written that the people I knew in the 1950s by the late 1960s were either dead from drugs or in jail. There were aspects of poverty that even today are not addressed as though there is a hush not to talk or write about it. When charter schools and their advocates in the media, for example, write that 90 percent of this or that charter school are eligible for free lunch to demonstrate that students who come from that kind of statistic can pass state tests, that is a half-truth.  How well would most of them perform under circumstances that were more challenging?  Syphoning off those students into schools where there are clearly different circumstances must provide for a sense of superiority that surely divided African Americans on the plantation between those close to the master and those not close at all. The whip in the community or worse, I am writing for the first time in my life, could easily have been replaced by the gun on the street and gangs. Mistakes have been made in the last century in New York City and I write about the mistakes being made today. Think about just how slaves were terrorized in the South and how segregation and racism flourished elsewhere.

I want Hakeem Jeffries and others to know this. I didn’t have enough knowledge about the education system in New York City while I was teaching. A year after, retiring in 2000, I learned much more. Vital, essential information that nobody cares about enough. Most of the city council now knows this information and action is needed. Hakeem Jeffries, his uncle Leonard Jeffries, and Minister Farrakhan were right about certain things and lacked the knowledge in 1992 to accomplish more. We were all in the same boat, even if we did not have the same DNA.

The knowledge that I had quickly acquired in the first years of my retirement could have been acted on by New York City and our nation. And it wasn’t! The parallel is with what happened to NYC Long Island, and other communities across our state and nation under that authoritarian in power in New York City. He created under false pretenses the “longest parking lot in the world” several decades ago. In 1993 I moved into my home just seconds from that parking lot in order to commute more effectively to places like Queens and Brooklyn. Things only got worse after that “parking lot” called the Long Island Expressway was built. And people just got used to the long commute. The repercussions were everywhere including the streets of four of the counties of New York City.

Mistakes were made in the 1960s in education in New York City. In 2001 I was “woke” as I started to help the world understand. What I found, mostly, were men and women in power who seemed to be driving their power onto the world’s largest parking lot. And slowly by means of stop and go, those elected officials and government appointees helped the people. The typical driver on the highways, bridges, and tunnels will not think about the bad decisions made by Robert Moses over his empire (state) as I think about that other famous developer of real estate who now thinks that the entire nation is his empire.

Joe Biden merely represents a serf to Trump as Trump plans to take back and increase his empire. Black elected officials that are investigating him are called “racists” to whip up his support in the empire. The press (liberal) press is the “enemy of the people.” It wasn’t the press that caused the attack on The Capitol in 2021. It wasn’t the press that got into trouble over Stormy Daniels and the $140.000 payment. And don’t blame me! Nobody listens to me. La Libre Parole was the most vicious of the antisemitic press in France in 1894 and had 300,000 readers. The editor-publisher was writing false things about Jews and Captain Alfred Dreyfus. Fox News is in great trouble right now. I read that Edouard Drumont, that antisemite, apologized for what he did long after he contributed to the flames of hate (fifteen years later). And being a Trumpist, I have written, means that you never have to say you’re sorry for what was done. Truth marches on!  And the more things change the more they stay the same. And I have learned that Republican Congressman Byron Donalds wants Hakeem Jeffries to apologize for an article written by a college senior in defense of his uncle (allegedly) in 1992. It is important to note that Leonard Jeffries resigned from his post at the City College of New York in 1995. How many times did I call for the resignation of Donald Trump? Did I  not write, in my first article in Jewish Business News in Israel in 2018 that Trump does not belong in America? I know that Republicans have to be thinking this. Over time, the people will forget what Trump did and what he put this nation through. Commuters either forgot or never even knew what Robert Moses did to them in New York. Voters in Florida do not appear to know what Ron DeSantis is doing to them in Little Nazi Germany.

There’s a lot in this article to absorb. Just absorb it!