Nazi Germany was where woke went to die and now Ron DeSantis is the cheer leader or just the leader. Truth is on the march as it has been in the history of the world to defeat the forces of hate. This closer look at history cannot be denied. Bad things happened back then as they are happening now.
Ron DeSantis has inherited much from Donald Trump, and his legislature has already indicated a desire to crack down on bloggers that do not express appreciation for DeSantis. This is the press being the “enemy of the people.”
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
Then we have a crackdown on schools in the form of parents making their protest known and shutting down school lessons and activities that were normal just a couple of years ago. Black people were in the concentration camps in Germany, but their talented people had been diminished first. And those book bans have taken our people back to things that Hitler learned from the United States and incorporated into his Nazi state.
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
DeSantis and the government on what is called “Don’t Say Gay” do not even know that homosexuals were put in concentration camps and put to death.
Nazi German was where woke went to die.
Throughout Jewish history, Jews were taxed more than Christians were. Sometimes that was slowed down, but it returned to many places where Jews lived. Recently DeSantis diminished Disney because of its resistance to his gay policy. And his published threats to take revenge against Disney have been read around the world. Stalin’s communism and Hitler’s Nazism acted the same way. The Nazi regime took away the wealth of the labor unions and the Jews, which clearly resembles to me that DeSantis’ move to tax and toll Disney and not all corporations.
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
We studied religious freedom in the colonies and learned that there was usually religious intolerance. The “Old Testament” permits abortion and Christians should know that by now. The problem is that it isn’t mentioned often enough. DeSantis and his merry men in the state legislature should have known that before passing any legislation. The Nazis abolished abortion and recently Germany finally undid what the Nazis had done. And here I am watching states openly adopt what Hitler’s Germany adopted. And I think that people should learn more about the state of war and the raping of women throughout Europe which was also perpetrated by American soldiers there.
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
In relation to COVID-19, I have published that Hitler would have had Jews (and others) injected with COVID-19 to make them sick and die. Masks do help and even recently there have been articles stating that they help even if those blue masks are not the very best of masks. Cars protect us from getting injured and killed in different degrees, yet people drive them. The “Old Testament” has taught people about saving lives. So do the Quran and the New Testament (Jesus saving lives even on the Sabbath), but DeSantis fought for freedom instead of those messages of faith and the deaths happened, making Florida a world leader. And people supporting DeSantis put out the message that masks don’t work.
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
Immigration policy in 2017 was on course to closely match things that happened under Hitler’s domination. At that time it was Jews leaving their countries to seek safety elsewhere. France became the temporary homes to Jews who settled in Le Marais and other districts of Paris. The emphasis is on temporary since even Jews from Greece (Salonika) who held Portuguese passports would sometimes not be protected and ended up being transported to death in cattle cars toward Auschwitz. And there were lots of Polish Jews who moved to Le Marais, a place that Hitler visited when France fell to the Nazis. New York and other places have had this draconian attitude of government to make sure that undocumented immigrants are not helped by others. This will not work even in Florida. That I have seen with my own eyes!
And keep in mind, as always, as I read about American police talking about Black leaders in the most derogatory terms, that the French police were used to round up Jews in Paris (which was considered the land of freedom since the days of Napoleon). And I found this to share During World War II, Drancy was the site of the Drancy internment camp where Jews, Gypsies, and others were held before being shipped to the Nazi concentration camps. In 1976, the Memorial to the Deportation at Drancy was created by sculptor Shlomo Selinger to commemorate the French Jews imprisoned in the camp.
I also found out that Selinger was named to be the sculptor of the Emile Zolá statue in the Place Alfred Dreyfus in the 15th arrondissement in Paris. My readers surely have read about The Dreyfus Affair in my articles in Jewish Business News and The Force 2020 DDT. Truth is on the march in America and this article, I hope, will help. Innocent people should not be treated poorly including immigrants that Florida recently has transported to other states and undocumented immigrants whose right to in-state tuition may be overturned by Ron DeSantis and the legislature.
Nazi Germany was where woke went to die.
And what does Little Havana and Little Haiti exactly have to do with all this? Nothing or who knows as truth is on the march. Those places are in Florida, and they have leaders, leaders who might be able to do more to fight hate in Florida. But I liked the title.